RW and his bean counters are counting up what is costs to fire DJ and counting up the financial hit if they keep DJ. Because revensue will be lost if he keeps DJ. RW knows this and is calculating the difference. Hopefully RW mans up and fires DJ and promotes Bobby April, assuming Cowher won't take the job.
I'm cancelling my Sunday Ticket as well. I've signed up for ATT-Uverse, I can cancel Sunday ticket, cancel Vonage and save $100 a month on internet for a total savings of $420.00 per month. Bye Bye Dicky ! Wont miss your garbage ball at all ! I'll start watching when they get a real coach who knows how to win.
Ralph should ask how the game went ? How the season went? How are they better now than last year? And why should I let you continue being the HC ? Mull over the asnwers and then fire DJ. Have him take Turk with him. The worst playcalling and game managment I have ever witnessed today.
I understand your point, I used to be a real estate appraiser and ended up going to every nook and cranny of the county, it came in handy many times. Tow truck operators, cab drivers, rental cars, etc., they have there place.
I lay the blame on Peters for holding out so long and the center position being the weak link. With a good center and Peters reporting to training camp on time this Oline will be good.
Hotels dot com ? I havn't used them personally but maybe something good there. I can rent you my two bedroom suite in the Hilton on the Strip. Brand new building, it's pretty nice. PM me if interested,
National health plan would make American companies more competitive. I have a recent personal bugaboo with GM sales staff. I was at a GM Dealer in La Mesa on Sunday night, it was drizzling a little bit outside and a little chilly. I was walking around the lot looking at utility trucks, would one fat lazy salesman come out in the drizzle and talk to me? No they all waited for me to come inside, which I didn't do, I just drove away with them looking out the window at me. What a bunch of smucks, as if I'm going to buy a truck from those smucks who wouldn't step outside and talk with me and then invite me inside to talk about buying a truck.
That settles it, the stadium should be rebuilt downtown, but first check for any ancient indian burial grounds. They are all over the place around the mouth of the Niagara. The peace bridge on the Canandian side is built on an ancient Indian trading post and industrial center, my old house was right there on the site as well.