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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Who ripped off who? Rocky Horror or Lux?
  2. I have an account with Madoff paying 10%
  3. Does the glide ratio of that plane make any of those options discussed even possible? I'm assuming they were not real options thats why the guy ditched in the Hudson.
  4. It certainly looks like a UFO. Probably just Picard cruising by for look at the historic moment after travelling thru a worm hole.
  5. I love the teenager concept, but my son is the grouchiest SOB in the morning, I could see him trying to hit me with a baseball bat.
  6. The missing piece is DE's that can pressure the QB and stop the run.
  7. I'd trade Oman Xavier for Boldin.
  8. If he wants out of Arizona, I'd sign him in a heart beat.
  9. Considering they only have 3 downs to make 10 yards, the third down being a punt, 23 sacks in one year is pretty damn good.
  10. Add San Diego to that list. Qual Comm was recently remodelled but not good enough now?
  11. Looks awesome, sign him up. What an upgrade to our DE's
  12. They dont want to get drafted 1st by Detroit.
  13. My question is, those under cover agents that had 21 strippers agree to sex for money, did they have the sex with the girls?
  14. Take the job and don't worry about a few dollars shorter than the last job. The last job didn't work out for you. A bird in the hand vs. two in the bush logic is valid here.
  15. Why don't you do it on the side and keep your current job. Have the phone number go to voice mail, you can pick it up when able too. This way you can see how busy you are before you quit your job. Or have your buddy answer the phone since he has to quote the jobs anyways.
  16. That would be cool actually !
  17. Thats what I have been hearing on the ESPN talking head shows
  18. Not as bad as the 'Got to much credit card debt?" commercials. I feel like slitting my wrists when I hear those commercials.
  19. When is the last time this defense stopped a post pattern straight up the hashmark? Ya, this defense needs help
  20. I would trade him immediately at the mere hint of a holdout from Peters.
  21. I'm having fiber installed on Jan. 15th, once verified everyhting is OK, I'm cancelling Directv and Sunday Ticket ! Saving $400 a month for my trouble.
  22. I see a DE or DT being picked in the 1st round.
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