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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Considering we need a center, guard and DE it isn't excactly useless. I wouldn't mind the Bills offering a contract to all three. Especially Olshansky.
  2. I think it was Dielman, but I'll find a link at some point.
  3. I looked but couldn't find one. I saw this on the SD local news last night.
  4. I cant remember the guard's or center's name but all three would be imnprovements on our team.
  5. Let the coyote be. We have tons of coyotes in our canyons. Nobody is calling for their heads. Just put up a fence and dont worry about it. If the coyote nabs a few cats and dogs, well, coyotes got to eat too! Get a new cat or dog.
  6. Does anything need to be done? I think everybody is over reacting to this anyways.
  7. I made the switch from DirecTV to Fios. Internet is smoking fast, TV package is better than DirecTV. I'll miss Sunday ticket but I wont miss the high cost. I was able to cut about $400 from my budget by making the switch. It was a good move from my perspective. The ability to record a show from one room and watch on another was a big selling point for my household. On DirecTV my teenagers would fight over control of the tv that had the DVR. This eleiminated that headache.
  8. The papers served were for a civil matter, not a criminal. You don't go to jail for civil matters. Now if the SEC files charges after investigating, then he can go to jail.
  9. There is a big difference between a individuals acting alone shooting each other and government/organized religion sanctioning , funding and carrying out hate crimes against peoples and governments such as Israel and the US. They are not in the same universe. So no I dont agree. The fact that we are even debating this is ludicris, hundreds of thousands of US and UN troops are in the middle east muslim area and cant generate peace. So what does that tell you? A bloodthirsty race of people or religion. I think everyone debating this is just trolling for a fight and I am done with it. Sorry not debating anymore.
  10. It's quite simple Tom, when I stop seeing on the news that there were more people killed due to suicide bombers or roadside bombs, beheadings and death threats from Muslim dominated countries, then I will take the Muslim religion off my crap list. So if that makes me intolerant, so be it. I think it makes me wise and safe.
  11. Well you didn't make any points to really break down and debate except one. But if you read my post again it does address the few points worth countering. Most of your post was your troll, hate spewing, personal attack crap. Sorry troll I'm done with you and putting you on block.
  12. Sorry there troll, I have friends from Iraq and Iran and they left because of persecution from your so called tolorant Muslims, you sir are full of crap. Go back to your high school and get a GED.
  13. Yea, I got angry at that time. Have you ever lost your temper?
  14. I cant believe all of the people defending/arguing these crazy mofo's on this board. I guess you are just trollers who love to argue. Sorry not buying in.
  15. Because you see the word Jihad and attacks against the west all the time. I guess you dont watch the news or read the newspapers or journals. I'll attach a link later when I get the chance.
  16. Eloquent words for sure there Dean. But they ring hollow, when entire countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc., have Muslim dominated cultures and governments that support terrorism, mass destruction of Israel, USA and anyone who supports them. Exports terror and war against the west, is more than a fringe element. It is a main stream psychotic danger that has to recognized and dealt with to avoid destruction. To me it has the face of a Muslim and I will call them out as such until years of peace have eliminated the stigma of nutjobs.
  17. Give me a year free of jihads, suicide bombers, beheadings and death threats to all infidels and I'll be glad to change my mind about Muslims.
  18. Yes he did a great job of reaffirming what we already know about Muslims. They are nutjobs.
  19. Man I offered $1000, no wonder I didn't hear back from Jerry. I was going to up my offer to $1500 too! FUG him
  20. Don't know, having planes fall from the sky isn't good for business either.
  21. Because the plane fell straight down from the sky, not on a horizontal angle. I've seen the footage of these boots, the concept seems feeble at best, why can't they just heat the wing to keep it above freezing?
  22. Maybe he should put in landmines and then it won't be the trail of choice anymore.
  23. 3) They don't know how or are unsure so they don't do it. I think proper social ettiquette and ethics would say that you shouldn't do it.
  24. Somebody should buy him a snowmobile, he'll like it here after that.
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