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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I love the Bills and always will but Dick has got to go !
  2. I'm with ya brother!
  3. Funny video, but doesn't he have a garden hose to extinquish the fire?
  4. Sarcasm, a joke.
  5. I would start Fitz and see how he does.
  6. I suggest no one buy tickets so RW gets the message. We ain't buying the crap your selling.
  7. So glad I cancelled Sunday ticket. Didn't pay hard earned money for poop.
  8. Exactly the TO pick was right on the money, it hit his pads and flew up in the air. The TO deep pass on the sidelines is what I said, they are hard passes to make.
  9. I still don't trust them until they stop having hate everybody rallies and death to everyone chants!
  10. Good I hope this team is embarrassed and piss off. Maybe they will play better and score on someone.
  11. Saw some 'Angus Beef' hotdogs the other day at Vons Supermarket. Anyone try them yet? Also anyone from Butternuts, NY or close by ? I have a real estate question for you.
  12. Deep passes along the sideline are the hardest to make, perspective and depth gets lost on the route. Slants and crossing routes are easier to track and throw the completetion. So whoever is playcalling (AVP IMHO) is not calling enough slants and crosses to help Trent and get TO and LE involved in the game.
  13. Gruden or Shanahan would be fine with me! Get er done Ralph!
  14. I'm not sure if this exists anymore in Canada but my parents and every other parents in Ontario (Not sure if Canada wide) received what was called the 'Baby Bonus' check every month for every child under the age of 18. It wasn't based on income or anything, just to promote and help families. I could just see the flack over this in the states. I might move back to Canada, what a civilized country.
  15. I have Kaiser. It is a non-profit HMO. I am very satisfied with the service and product. I don't know if it is country wide, but IMHO the best solution/model for national health care.
  16. Remove the bone altogether and put in a stainless steel replica of the bone. Saves all this messing around.
  17. All 30 minutes of it. We need to sign a more durable LB.
  18. Unfortunately I think your right. That 99 virgin's thing is appealing to Muslims apparently.
  19. Marshawn is more of a run you over type back, Freddy has better vision and finds the seams and openings.
  20. Any relation to Yancy Thigpen?
  21. Did you adopt the Redskins?
  22. I saw Bill Bellichek do exactly that on Sunday, Saints did it, many teams do it every week when they feel the game is on the line. Going for it was the right thing to do.
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