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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. That would get me excited again. Let Bobby April be interim coach and get a jump on finding a new GM, scouting staff and a new HC. There is no downside IMHO.
  2. Did they play today? I was out enjoying myself. Sold a motorcycle and bought a new 2010 Toyota Corolla for my daughter.
  3. He's got my vote. He did great with USD
  4. Update, well they did it again. One block from my house a police cruiser hits head on with another car it flips over and there are injuries. Not sure how bad. Sheesh a cluster of events. I heard sirens again tonite I wonder if that makes three?
  5. Can you add a description of what the link is about so I dont waste my time clicking a link that is of no interest to me? Thanks.
  6. I remember the Bolts saying they would put in 500 to 600 million of their own money to build a new stadium. So I can see this happening.
  7. But your so smart and we are so stupid! It should be easy right? Anyways, dont forget that everybody has an !@#$ and every !@#$ has the right to their opinion. So easy on slamming people for having an opinion.
  8. I've had something similar to this happen to me. I had a server hacked and some group from Russia was using it as a music download warehouse. My internet provider noticed my usage jump way above normal and shut it down for me. Stuff like that does and can happen.
  9. Ok , got a better article with all of the details about what happened. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/no...ills-bicyclist/ I'm not pissed at the police, I was just commenting about the police in San Diego that they are never found to be at fault about anything. San Diego police are the most shoot first ask questions later police force I have ever seen. There have been numerous cases where they park behind someone at night in an apartment parking lot, then when the person pulls out they hit the police car, police then jump out and shoot the person to death. The people shot have no criminal history, no weapons, no arrest warrants, their only mistake is to not have seen the police car and backed into it. A former SD Charger player, was followed home by an off duty police officer in plain clothes and in his own car. When they stop at his house the guy says lay down on the ground, the player doesn't know who this guy is so he walks towards him. The cops shoots him multiple times, not at fault in any of these cases. This has nothing to do with the cyclist incident, but I was explaining my 'It's not surprizing the cop was found not at fault'
  10. Who knows maybe prison gave him a new focus in life to buckle down and get good at being an NFL QB. I would give him a chance and see what he can do.
  11. Doesn't matter if we pick 1st. Modrak and Guy will blow the pick.
  12. Nice, congrats! Sounds like you have a good son there !
  13. I thought I would throw this in the mix since you guys enjoy discussing these things. A 63 yr. old man was hit and killed on his bicycle yesterday just a couple of blocks from my house. He was hit and killed by a police officer responding to a call. The cyclist suddenly turned in front of the police car and was run over. The officer was deemed not at fault. Not surprizing here since the police are never found at fault. They could walk in your house, empty six rounds into your chest and it would be your fault somehow. Anyways here's the link. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/no...d-monday-morni/ OK resume arguing.
  14. Why not let lions be lions? A tasty meal for the day!
  15. Damn the guy decides to grow up after we cut him
  16. The first round draft pick should be a no brainer starter. Maybin is a project on a team that needs starters. The FO should have taken Orakpo who is a beast or Oher where we have big need. Either position is a big need for us. It's stupid moves like this that keep us in the basement.
  17. Kildrive and Dan Henning seem to be doing better with their new clubs. Our real problem has been drafting. Until we get rid of Modrak, Guy and Russ Brandon we will continue to suck.
  18. I've stopped watching them. It's too painful to watch. When they fire Jauron and FO, I'll start watching again.
  19. Jauron, Modrak, John Guy, Russ, AVP and the Def. Coord all need to go this offseason.
  20. I agree there is something there.
  21. Remeber when Turk was fired and he said something about Dick's offense being pop warner like. I thought it was sour grapes, apparantly he was right. Dick must go!
  22. So did Ralph get booed at halftime?
  23. Knock on wood. No problems really in San Diego. But then every cell phone maker has an corp. office here. So maybe it's not that surprizing.
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