Ok , got a better article with all of the details about what happened.
I'm not pissed at the police, I was just commenting about the police in San Diego that they are never found to be at fault about anything. San Diego police are the most shoot first ask questions later police force I have ever seen. There have been numerous cases where they park behind someone at night in an apartment parking lot, then when the person pulls out they hit the police car, police then jump out and shoot the person to death. The people shot have no criminal history, no weapons, no arrest warrants, their only mistake is to not have seen the police car and backed into it.
A former SD Charger player, was followed home by an off duty police officer in plain clothes and in his own car. When they stop at his house the guy says lay down on the ground, the player doesn't know who this guy is so he walks towards him. The cops shoots him multiple times, not at fault in any of these cases.
This has nothing to do with the cyclist incident, but I was explaining my 'It's not surprizing the cop was found not at fault'