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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. The Spanos's are going to put up all of the money. The city just has to donate the land, which they would like to do, but the land was/is a city bus depot and the soil is contaminated. They are arguing who has to pay for the soil cleanup. It is sad about selling the horses. As far as the horses go, I think the savings were more like 2 million though. It was either get rid of the horses and transfer those officers to squad cars or fire them. The horses lost.
  2. The Ralph is similar to QualComm stadium in San Diego. It is considered an antique and needs to be blown up. They are considering building a new stadium next to Petco Park.
  3. Just quit and do that dream job. Let the chips fall where they may. You will be tons happier.
  4. Your right about that. The sick thing is he did this to his ex wife as well.
  5. I heard a story today on CNN. Dude is pissed at his ex-girlfriend. Puts a post on Craigslist as if he is his girlfriend saying wants a rape fantasy, where she lives and address etc. So pervert sees this add before it is yanked and rapes the chick. Both are going to prison. I would stay from pranks on craigslist.
  6. Nice, your avatar is sweet as well.
  7. Ya that jumped out at me as well.
  8. No your thinking of someone else. They have been on Oprah and stuff. They have mainstream material.
  9. I read an article where Peyton said they were celebrating and the stage was getting setup so he figured he would call Drew later rather than try to fight his was over to shake his hand at that point. It made sense to me, Payton wasn't trying to snub Brees.
  10. Black eyed Peas would be good. How about George Thoroughgood?
  11. And think we could have had Arakpo. Thanks Dick.
  12. The third one is an old dumb blonde joke with blonde changed out to be bills players. There are no new jokes, only recycled old jokes.
  13. Nobody loves an underdog that whines about it. Underdogs that shutup and persevere garner love and admiration.
  14. Imagine if we had drafted Arakpo like we should have.
  15. LT is gone for sure. I think they are on the elevator down as well.
  16. Bills will win one first for sure. Next year even. Do you guys go to that Bills bar in PB?
  17. LA Jags has nice ring to it.
  18. Love your pic there Dib. Have any more of her?
  19. I'm glad we didn't get Shanny, he got fired in Denver for a reason. Losing.
  20. I don't think we had the personnel to run the 4-3. So switching is actually easier. We didn't have any decent DE's IMHO. The 3-4 should actually be easier to staff this year than the 4-3.
  21. My farts really stink. Is there a pill I can take to make them not stink?
  22. Makes sense. I wonder if Greggo would try and thwart this somehow?
  23. I hope not. Ted got run out of town in San Diego. I doubt Buddy Nix will hire Ted.
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