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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Your welcome man! Anytime I can answer your marijuana crop growing questions, glad to help!
  2. Good luck with that. Mold and bugs would destroy the crop, it has to be grow indoors and climate controlled to get best results.
  3. I guess Beane is forwarding his calls to Gruden's Corona party hotline for now.
  4. Ya maybe a good roughing up with the billy club would knock some sense into him.
  5. Maybe he should clap his hands some more?
  6. He would have tried to move the Bills to whatever city offered him the most money, borrowed as much debt as he could against the Bills and then declared bankruptcy and walked away from the Bills. That dirt bag would have been the worst thing to ever happen to the Bills.
  7. Thank God that piece of shite Trump didn't get ownership of the Bills! We would be doomed!
  8. Whats up with the fro? Not a good look for you!
  9. Did you see the article about the drunk chick standing up peeing in the mens room urinal? That was hysterical. I didn't think chicks could do that?
  10. Relocation , unless they move to San Diego, then I would have to think about it some more. San Diego Bills?
  11. Oh really Larry? Ynuk Ynuk Ynuk!
  12. Sorry when you throw out meatballs like this I am obligated to hit them out of the park. Yes you thought right, you are an idiot!
  13. I thought his ejection from the game was his punishment?
  14. Less sea ice. That's just it Jboy, your brain is wired to be arguing here like most people here. Chef and I are not arguing and your mind can't comprehend it.
  15. She's pretty hot actually.
  16. I'm not trying to argue with anyone. Either is Chef Jim. Now you know why I get a little paranoid that someone is baiting me for an argument.
  17. Not that it matters at all. I always associate the name Kimberley with white girls. WTG Kimberley! Welcome to Buffalo!
  18. I believe it did. So whats your point? He asked for my opinion and I gave him my opinion.
  19. Awesome news Westside! Please keep us updated on your progress or lack of progress. We all want to cheer you on!
  20. Sorry if I seem a little paranoid, but I have been baited by other people with the same similar approaches. Probably just gun shy. I have no interest in fighting anyone. My takes Yes the world does heat and cool on its own, since we have had glacial ice ages that have covered North America at times with no human help. Burning coal, car exhaust emissions all add Co2 to the environment. I think every bit we do to help , helps slow down the process. China is doing away with coal burning power plants, putting in solar arrays and trying to reduce emissions. To just give up and say China will screw it up anyways shouldn't matter. We have to do our part. Now that the permafrost is warming up even more gases go into the atmosphere. It's like a boulder rolling down hill gaining momentum. If you want to be a fatalist the human race will eventually screw up the environment so bad that there will be a global extinction event, and then mother nature will start over with bugs and small mammals. Who know, maybe its like the matrix and we are on version 15 of an extinction event.
  21. It was touching to see the respect paid him by lining up along the roads.
  22. Your transparent to me. Do you want to tell why your trying to pick a fight? Is it because of my joke on the thread where I joked about douches you've cooked for before?
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