I still do my job everyday no matter what. I'm wondering what a stiff back means to Troupe? It is just such a vague description. It makes me question the injury. I question his threshold of pain.
I'll give you two examples of where threshold's of pain can change and my perspective on pain thresholds. An employee of mine and I were talking under an oak tree, an acorn fell and hit him point first on the top of his head. He carried on for 5 minutes about how much that hurt. I mentioned to him that he had a low threshold of pain. About a year later, he had a bad accident with a propane heater. It exploded and burned his legs and few other areas. It took him months to recover. We talked about the painful treatments he endured. I reminded him about that day with the acorn, he just laughed at how nothing that small would ever bother him again.
My own son was involved in a horrible dune buggy accident. His leg was shattered and it took a year to get back to 95%. That experience has forever changed his definition of what real pain is and his pain threshold. Just last night he tore off his toenail because it was bothering him. I squirmed at the sight of that.
My point being that different people have different pain thresholds based on their experiences in life. I'm speculating that Troupe has a low threshold to pain, given the lack of details.