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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Morale is at an all time low.
  2. Edwards might get fired. But Chan won't. Too many injuries to really judge where we are at. I think with another draft, a few more FA changes we will be decent next year.
  3. I would like to see Jim Kelly push Chan down, grab the mic and start calling the plays. That would be epic.
  4. Fitz is not capable of throwing a deep ball accurately. He has no touch. It was obvious in todays game. Unfortunately we will never win with Fitz as QB. Defenses really only have too cover the short and underneath stuff.
  5. This was about lying under oath. When you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth to the courts, it has to be the truth. Maybe lying is OK with you, but I'm glad they held him accountable. It is something makes our country work, if everybody just lies as they see fit, we haven't got ****.
  6. I was intrigued by this conversation. Did some googling, and the answer is yes. http://www.ip2location.com/ There you go.
  7. At the BBQ on the practice field. Yes that was what I meant, thanks for the answer. Kind of a cool idea to put the community names around as a meeting place or conversation starter.
  8. I suspect demonic possession. What other explanation is there?
  9. I don't get it, he goes on IR because of this condition. The doctors havn't done anything to cure his problem, so now he is cleared to play? Why even bother to go IR to start with? We could have used him this year! WTF?
  10. Entrapment, he should beat this one.
  11. Wow, that is wrong on so many levels. I hope the dude is OK.
  12. Nice story. I am long overdue for a visit to Benihana's! Is that where you went?
  13. Put the team up for sale without anyone knowing. Then when Jim Kelly puts in a bid, slip it to Ralph for signature. Say its a standard appearance contract or something. That should do it.
  14. I heard he likes Brett Farve with those yellow shorts on.
  15. You might be close while joking. I think he has regressed since signing the contract because now he is putting mental pressure on himself to play better to live up to this new contract. Which is only going to screw up everything. He needs to relax and play without mental pressure. Just enjoy playing the position again.
  16. I'll end this debate. I'll take this GM job for a measley $1,000,000 per year. I know its a big pay cut for a GM, but I'll do it for the team.
  17. He probably agreed to less money. Ralph is cheap.
  18. I saw they had signs up of towns around Buffalo. Did they have any Canadian cities like Fort Erie or Toronto?
  19. Solar powered chargers, hand crank chargers or my car charger.
  20. My main gripe is the timing of getting surgeries. Rather than waste a year struggling, just get the surgery and let the team bring in a healthy body while you recouperate. I still stand by the statement of don't draft guys with back problems. They never get better, you watch, Gronkowski will start to miss games and then his career will be over. By the way, I don't care if Troupe had known back problems by Nix when drafted, I'm discussing this at the 50,000 foot level of back problems and playing in the NFL.
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