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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I think coaches learn from their mistakes and get better from job to job. You have to factor that in when looking at coaches at new places. Especially 10 years later. They get better after learning what not to do. Or after coming into contact with other coaches and picking up some new good techniques.
  2. Welcome to the board. I was reading David Lee's comments about Fitz and think that he is going to help Fitz a great deal with accuracy and velocity. David Lee's specialty is getting a QB's throwing mechanics in sync. If he he can improve Fitz's accuracy and velocity, I think all of the previous arguments go out the window. David Lee mentions that Fitz has alot of the intangible qualities a QB needs but can use some improvement with mechanics. Should be an interesting year.
  3. How about this scenerio. San Diego Chargers move to LA. Buffalo moves to San Diego? Then I could buy season tickets.
  4. Merrriman would have some influence with VJ. He would be an excellent addition if we can still afford to make the other upgrades needed.
  5. Mouse over the link before clicking. It shows the real destination. Don't get fooled again!
  6. I'm with you on this one. Nothing funny about a kid taking a wrong turn in life.
  7. I don't remember a big hit on Peyton that caused the injury. Or is this a repetitive motion type injury?
  8. Funny article. Do you think he gets fired today?
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Set up the Pats on the 1 yard line. Ahh just give it to them.
  10. I like the idea of a skills contest. RB's and WR's could run a 40 yard dash. WR's catch balls for some tricky jugs machine. QB's have to throw the ball accurately at targets. maybe a leaping contest for WR's OL and DL could see who can bench press the most weight or the most reps, squats, etc. Then the guys would have real bragging rights.
  11. When legally challenged, this adoption will be annulled.
  12. I wonder if the riot that killed 73 people in Egypt at that soccer game was started with someone yelling a slur at the opposing team. They maybe even called them gay. The result was 73 people got killed and the stadium damaged. This is an extreme example, but a good example that civility and restraint is a good idea at a sporting event.
  13. I thought this website gave a humorous twist to this thread. I googled 5 star hotels in Buffalo. This website offered three 5 star hotels for Buffalo. In Niagara Falls, Ont. Canada! Doh! Linky Maybe Brady is kinda right after all.
  14. Don't forget a defensive scheme that covers the middle of the field. For 10 years now I have watched TE's and slot WR's catch the ball in the middle of the field with no one around them. It would be nice to try and defend this part of the field.
  15. They really should scrap the pro bowl game completely. Maybe switch to a skills contest. QB's throwing the ball thru a small space from 30 yards away, RB's doing a 40 yard dash, DL doing bench presses, etc. etc. I actually would find that more entertaining.
  16. Whats your problem with Mrs. Obama? It seems completely fine to me? What makes me want to puke is listening to Mitt Romney slam Obama constantly without saying one constructive thing himself. The republicans are a pathetic organization right now and dont stand a chance of winning the white house.
  17. Ditto that. Was at my brothers house for a week. Good times had by all.
  18. Monty Python ! The Life of Brian if I remember it right.
  19. Kind of like that QB we drafted from Michigan after Kelly retired. Todd Collins, had big shoes to fill.
  20. I agree, they were losing a step or two flowing to the ball because they had a checklist of things to think about before running. This should be interesting to see if they play better this year. I'm optimistic we will see an improvement. At least the top half of defenses.
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