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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. When I was in college from 1979 to 1983 there was a college teacher banging one of the students at his desk. It was all consentual sex. Today it would be on TMZ.
  2. Hangartner was always getting bullrushed. They had to let him go.
  3. What happened after you said Go Bills? Did he deck you or something?
  4. I see them taking a LB. Just in case Merriman doesn't work out or to cover for injuries. If not LB then possibly a WR at 10.
  5. You cant make this claim without posting a pic to back it up.
  6. When real estate is rising anybody can look like a genius in real estate.
  7. Fred needs a new deal first
  8. I know your being sarcastic but David Lee is lily white. link
  9. There is a current movie out about me named John Carter. I would have to play myself since that's my name.
  10. One last addition by me. I rented a Harley Electroglide a few years ago and that sucker was heavy. I was struggling with it in bumper to bumper traffic in Del Mar. I had to take the bike lane to avoid rear ending a car. It was funny the biker nazi's were giving me an earful, it was great just dropping F bombs and flipping them the bird. Share the bike lane with bikers!
  11. Yes that happens all the time here in the back country of San Diego. What is the proper bike behavior for this situation? Earlier this week I was behind a large truck with a nonexistant shoulder. The truck drives past a biker, the force of the wind pushing out and then the vacuum behind the truck pulling the biker in combined with a rocky shoulder caused the biker to crash. I stopped to see if she was OK. She was pissed at the truck as if he had done something wrong. What could the trucker do? Narrow road at 50mph with traffic coming the other way. The biker is taking their chances if you ask me. Also on another road they block the road 3 to 4 wide. I am forced to go 15 mph behind them until no oncoming traffic and then can pass. What are the rules of the road in that scenerio? Personally I would like to mow them over.
  12. That cop should have let them do their thing. Who cares.
  13. What's going on to cause a revisit to this train of thought? A life changing event?
  14. Rocky Horror Picture Show Pulp Fiction
  15. I'll reserve judgement on your preserve judgement!
  16. Awesome news Nick! Waterloo is a great town. Welcome to Canada and Rich stadium! I am a dual citizen of Canada and the US. I was born in Fort Erie!
  17. Pretty good analysis. I agree with what your sating about OL men being unable to stay healthy. That really affects the offense. Don't know how some of these other OL men stay healthy for 12 years straight. Out guys cant put 10 games together.
  18. I liked Jaws breakdown of plays. Gruden gets annoying after awhile.
  19. If Irsay doesn't pay $28 million by March 8th, Manning becomes an unrestricted free agent. Teams wont have to give up any draft picks. Just draft a new contract.
  20. We need more cowbell.
  21. Interesting stat. The QB article from QB coach David Lee posted on twobillsdrive is complementing Fitz on his accuracy when throwing under pressure. Where he is going to focus on Fitz's accuracy is working on his mechanics when not under pressure to throw. He thinks Fitz needs to improve his mechanics when not under pressure and the pocket is holding up. Seems opposite to your claim! I'll take the QB coaches opinion over stats which can be misleading.
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