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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Easley was having a great pre-season until that medical mystery which I still don't understand. First he has a bad heart and now he doesn't? Whats up with that?
  2. Espn was better yesterday but they do blow today.
  3. I guess Cordy pissed someone off at Walter football. I'll take Buddy's opinion over a website any day.
  4. The so called experts and draft niks have Glenn as a guard or RT. They mentioned he has trouble with speed rushers. But they also say he flattens people when opening holes for the rushing game. I hope Buddy knows his stuff. Who is our OL coach?
  5. Really bad practical joke. That guy deserves an ass whooping.
  6. After thinking about the Gilmore pick, it was an outstanding pick. we are still going to get a WR and OT in rounds 2 and 3. I like that idea. We have a few extra picks. Bundle the 3rd round pick and whatever lower round we have an extra pick and move back into the second round for another dip in that pool.
  7. Easley was ripping it up until the mystery illness. If he is 100% we rock with Easley
  8. Ya I saw that too. He was bummed being picked by the Bills.
  9. I'm hoping they go OT or WR at the #10 spot. I prefer OT though.
  10. Whats up with that pig? It's just sitting around like a dog. If I was really hungry, that pig is going to get BBQ'd luau style.
  11. What cows would would you recommend to raise. As far as gaining weight, good marbling, good taste. I noticed you recommended 3 acres per cow. Is that you so you can leave two acres fallow at a time and move them around to new 1 acre portion and let the grass grow in the other two? Since I am thinking of starting from scratch, is there a better state to raise cattle in than others? Better prices, etc.
  12. Can you say Vanilla Ice? Bad....
  13. Yes the dumbest group ever assembled. The only fun coming up will be to see the surprized look on these dumbasses faces when they get voted off. But wait I was in the alliance? Why did I get voted off?
  14. Thanks for the article, sucks they are taking part of your land and creating a big hassle for you. How many cattle do you have? The farm has been in your family for a 100 years, how did you become a Bills fan in NC? I've been thinking of getting into the beef business, would you recommend it? What type of beef cows would you recommend?
  15. I'm thinking of going to this game. It depends on a few things in late August, so I'll check back in later on this.
  16. One could argue they are pre compensated for injury since the probability of injury in the NFL is at least 90% or higher. A construction worker can reasonably expect not to get hurt while performing his/her job. In fact companies and the gov. take many steps to prevent injury while working. NFL players can definately expect to be injured while working. So I dont see them suing as if it's a surprise they got hurt.
  17. Those guys always faked being on the phone to avoid looking bad. Or they were talking to their girlfriends about how they were going to spend the money.
  18. If Charlie said it, you know it's never going to happen. I dont think he has ever got our pick straight.
  19. Bills on Hard Knocks would have been fun to watch
  20. Ya, what if the other planets are Al Quieda and proclaim Jihad on us.
  21. I thought gas tanks had some anti siphoning blocks in them?
  22. No way, you take a LT and then next year or two years from now take a franchise QB.
  23. wow, where do you find this stuff? and yes I just got fired.
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