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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Funny how the guy who gets a boner from the chick and the chick gets fired. No wonder all women in the middle east have to wear burkas. All the dudes are afraid of their own dicks.
  2. Are they not both the same? Your and You're? Potato and Potato?
  3. I think Arsenio won over Clay because he is going to get another talk show and will talk up Trump. The Don is all about the promotion of the Don.
  4. Heard on the radio FB was at $33. Hopefully dude didn't buy 10K worth on Friday.
  5. I read the article about their real estate purchases. They are pretty much guaranteed to lose money. They paid top dollar at $50 mill and will heavily customize the house pouring in who knows how many more millions. who is going to be able to afford the house when they want to sell? Zuckerberg? Buffet? Gates? There are very few at that rarified air. Probably will sell at a loss. Trick is to have a property nice enough, slap a $50 mil price tag on it and hook one of these whales.
  6. Interesting article. I think anybody who retires whether voluntarily or forced goes through an awkward transition. When I lost my dream job, that I was heavily emotionally invested in, I cried for days. It was a real emotional loss like losing a spouse or parent.
  7. Shut it down Mr. Hand! Another obscure movie I liked. I think the movie was called Powder. About a kid with super powers. Pretty compelling movie about how we treat people who are different.
  8. Your a strange sad little man.
  9. I havn't seen anybody mention this movie but it goes in my top 10 worse movies of all time. Slingblade
  10. Your a sad funny little man sir.
  11. You guys are missing some of the bigger points. I don't know about the public figure and defamation of character issues. But Vilma certainly has the right to sue because he is being prevented from earning a living for himself and his family, there isn't a court in this land that wont take seriously. If he wants to see the evidence against him, I think he has the right to see the evidence against him. And I would think that the NFLPA as his union rep could pay the lawyers fees to represent a union member. Just my two cents.
  12. Hell I'd put a dollar on it.
  13. Maybe someone can give me the scoop. But whoever is doing the contracts can only really work on one contract at a time. SO maybe TJ is just where his folder was in the stack of contracts and not a holdout?
  14. I think Moorman gets cut and Powell takes his job.
  15. I don't know enough about Rugby to know if it was Union or League. It was a league for high school aged kids so the level of experience and size is different from what you are watching in the UK. Sounds like you are watching adult men play the game or even professional Rugby where the hitting is probably going to be way more physical than what my son participated in.
  16. I disagree with you about the risk of injury is greater in Rugby than American Football. Every sport has some risk. Hell even walking has risk. If you don't want any risk then don't play any sports. Here is where I am different from probably many parents on this board. I think America is ridiculous with how they try to make everything sanitized and risk free. I personally like a little risk, it makes life more exciting. Life is risky, life on this planet always ends in death so no matter how safe you are, your going to die one day anyways. No exceptions. So I have always let my kids play sports that they chose. My daughter rode horses and got thrown off a few times. My son played soccer, football and lacrosse and didn't get injured at all. The only concussion my son received was when a mentally challenged kid who didn't know his own strength and size hit my son over the head with a stick. So if you want to live life in a sterile vacuum let society continue the way it is. Pretty soon everyone will be vacuum sealed in their livingroom living life via machines. Kinda like a few movies and books that have been written on the topic.
  17. That explains the lack of expression when coming out of the green room when drafted. I thought maybe he didnt like the Bills or something. Good to know its just the way he is.
  18. They may be doing this case pro bono which wont cost Vilma a cent. Or maybe he worked out a flat rate. We dont know the facts, but I wouldn't assume anything. Vilma and Greggo know the truth. So someone is lying, they either did or they didn't. Greggo and the othesr are not squealing like pigs so you have to assume its the truth. I wonder why Vilma wants to push the issue?
  19. How about "Your not a real fan if you don't root for Tanney!"
  20. My son loves Rugby. It's all wrap and tackle, no big hits like in football. Because you don't have any shoulder pads or helmets. Maybe that's what they need to do in football. No shoulder pads or helmets, the big hits will go away right away.
  21. It's not a bad move by Vilma, what can Goodell do? Nothing really. Any disciplinary action by Goodell would be viewed as retaliation.
  22. A thread about religion and gays. How long till someone gets booted off for being angry?
  23. Here is it CNN top 10 reasons to not buy FB
  24. Yes it was like a Klingon version of Spaceballs. Humans love rat!
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