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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Too bad we don't have any more islands to send undesirable people too.
  2. Since my name is John Carter how can I say no?
  3. I never watch a game real time anymore. I record it and will watch it later or after I get a 1.5 hours buffer I will start watching so I can fast forward thru commercials.
  4. I see he was held out of practice again. I don't see him making it. They should let teams carry 60 players for depth purposes.
  5. Funny that guy is probably still laughing.
  6. You want to cut someone while they still have something in the tank rather than waiting for too long and they are on empty. That last year is wasted at that position if you wait to long. I could see Moorman getting cut for the new kid.
  7. Librarians are becoming more scarce because of budget cuts than the internet.
  8. I'm drooling to see this defense play this year. Bad things man!
  9. A screw job for sure. Goddell must have the schedule guys working overtime to make this happen.
  10. I hope Fitz shaves his face this year.
  11. What is the Bills QB coach position supposed to be doing with Fitz?
  12. 3rd and long has been killing the Bills for years now. It's at the point when its 3rd and forever, I can call the play the other team will make to convert. Usually its the corners giving to much room and letting the WR make the catch. Or worse no one covering the WR and its an easy 1st down. Pathetic to say the least.
  13. Every team has a QB coach. Are they not supposed to teach mechanics?
  14. Easley does not have hands of stone he was lighting it up in pre season before getting IR'd. It will be really fun to see him again this year. Hopefully he can stay off the PUP list and show us what he can do.
  15. Yup those kind of drivers are asking for an accident. I drive a motorcycle and just cruise at the speed limit and never splitting lanes. The craziest thing I saw a motorcyclist do was going down the freeway doing a wheelie going at least 100mph. Insane.
  16. Its a slippery slope isn't it. why stop there, dictate clothing, cars, haircuts, lifestyles, activities, anything that can cause harm to citizen. Its Orwellian. How far is too far?
  17. I made no such statement DC Tom. I offered no explanation whatsoever. Did you take your meds today?
  18. There was even sex in the bathroom this past season.
  19. The bible is full of inconsistencies like this. If this is the word of God, stone cold facts about everything, I expect a coherent story. Incest and in breeding doesn't cut it for me. (Although that would explain DC Tom!) No I prefer to believe it is a collection of parables to help us poor idiots navigate this world and get along with each other. And to touch on crayons Noah story, DNA would then all trace back to one Jewish descendant, Noah, it doesn't, it traces back to Africa millions of years ago, not 6000 years ago. Sorry, it is what it is. Maybe this world would be a better place if all people finally grasped this concept and put Mohammad and Jesus in their rightful places as prophets of better living and not Gods.
  20. I cant decide which I like better. It's a tie between them both.
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