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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I didn't find the Clayton article but I found an article that OJ is playing football in KC. OJ article link
  2. Carrying hatred hurts you more than the subject of your hate. You have to let it go. By the way, why do you hate Canada?
  3. Will Smith is too pretty for the Django role. The more ugly the better for this role. Fox is a good pick. Samuel Jackson would have been a good pick as well.
  4. Partied with Mick and Elton when they came into San Diego. That was a hoot.
  5. Now this is an odd way to die on a bicycle My link
  6. Have you actually left your house for any reason except to see a doctor in the last ten years?
  7. Yes if he was crucified until he died, was certified to be dead, and then came back to life three days later and could appear at places randomly from thin air, I would give Scientology a fair shot at being a religion.
  8. wow, shows you how badly drugs affect your thought process.
  9. You would have to be more specific in your question for me to answer. But let me start with a general contrast of Christianity and Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard was'nt crucified on a cross for my and your benefit.
  10. I would guess that religion played a big part of the divorce. I don't see how scientology can be considered a religion. It always seemed like a load of crap to me.
  11. That daily mail is full of odd and interesting stories. What do you make of this guy? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2165709/Christopher-Stringham-admits-repeatedly-molested-child-job-interview-HIGHWAY-POLICE.html
  12. You guys are all missing the point. It takes a team to win in football. If one guy doesn't do his job the offense or defense fails. No one part is greater than the other parts. The entire team has to perform their job to win. A coach is part of the team to get all of the guys on the same page and team.
  13. I have a solar powered flashlight. It charges the battery during the day for use at night.
  14. They missed out on all the fun. They should have propped him up against the window, put a cigarette in his mouth and took funny photos of him.
  15. There is a place here in San Diego that is really good at repairing iphone's
  16. I'm so sorry to read about your loss and ordeal. I will say prayers again for your family.
  17. Ya I really like this song. I just heard it on the TV this morning as well.
  18. God he sounds like Bob Dylan and even looks like him.
  19. And they don't cry when they crash. This is your best retort? You did so well with the link to that hysterical gay article. This is seriously the lamest retort in the history of the TBD. Now I want you to spend a few days thinking of a new retort to cyclist spandex being gay and come back and post it. Maybe this will help. Why do you spandex poofs where that ridiculous gear? Your all dressed as if you are all training for the Tour De France, your just a bunch of wanna bees on a Sunday afternoon ride. There should be amateur gear that you wear so the rest of us real motorist's can distinguish the real cyclists from the posers.
  20. Lets call it the Chasm of Sar !
  21. How about this scenerio. we go 16 - 0 and win the Superbowl this year with the #1 rated defense.
  22. I don't know about AK. But in California it is a lengthy process before you can take possession of someone's car. It involves 3 different ads in newspapers and a publicized auction. Can take up to 6 months.
  23. As the writer noted it popular now to call someone or some group you don't like as gay whether it is true or not. So that's where the spandex poof is coming from. And I do ride a motorcycle and don't have any thoughts of similarity or comradery with cyclist's because I follow all traffic laws just like a car, and I can go as fast as a car. I don't even split lanes and don't like motorcyclists that do that. Lastly that cat at the end of the article in leather looks gay.
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