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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I see said the blind man.
  2. wow cool story, I would have done the same thing. To answer the question. If I find money that can be traced back to its correct owner I will do so. Like finding a wallet or something like that. If its a 20 dollar bill lying in the road with no way of knowing where it came from I just pocket it and don't give it another thought. I think the most I have ever found was around $85 lying in the street at 1:00am after leaving a bar and walking thru a neighborhood to get to my car. A cool story, my wife lost her wallet in Hawaii while on vacation. We got the wallet back a week later in the US mail with the money still in it. Nice people are out there.
  3. Wow ! Good job. Have you had any respiratory issues from being so close to ground zero? What content did you broadcast?
  4. What college was that Tom?
  5. I think he meant straight people are not attacked and beaten or killed just for being straight.
  6. Yes it sounds like they want you to say something embarrassing or illegal so they can use it as leverage later on if need be. Tom must be gay and that's their leverage on him.
  7. Sounds more like a cult than a church. They hook you up to a polygraph machine for your interview?
  8. Yup that cleared it up for me.
  9. On freeways where there are only two lanes each way it becomes paramount to stay in the right lane except to pass. Freeways here in So Cal are frequently 4, 5, 6 and 7 lanes wide going each direction. Meaning you can really pass easily in a center lane without having to move all the way to the left lane to pass.
  10. Abolish politicians as well. They are f-in useless.
  11. Reminds me of that QB doing trick throws.
  12. I agree. There should separation of church and state. taxes shouldn't be based if your married or single. I say abolish all loopholes and have a 7% flat tax. Corporate and personal. No deductions, no loopholes just 7% flat tax.
  13. Well Dr. we will have to agree to disagree. I gave up road rage a long time ago. But I can tell that you havn't because you just won't let this topic go. You keep trying to educate me as to your idea of how the world should work. Sorry dude you drive your way and I'll drive my way when confronted by hyper aggressive road rage drivers.
  14. Well it must be nice to be a saint. Your telling me that if a rude driver comes roaring up behind you over 100MPH flipping you the bird sitting two feet off your bumper because you cant move over that exact second you would have no reaction? If he wasn't so rude about it and exhibiting extreme road rage to the nth degree I would have gladly moved over. I didn't react with anger but amusement at his anger. I was traveling 75MPH in a 65 MPH zone so I wasn't exactly being a slowpoke. He was traveling well over 100MPH when he jammed up my bumper that's why i didn't see him approaching. He was driving in a dangerous and discourteous way so I don't think the normal courtesy rules apply to that jerk. Sorry I can't agree with your opinion.
  15. Pretty much. Whenever your discussing what the afterlife is about your surmising. Until you die and move on you can never be sure. And that's the rub. Myself, I believe in Eastern religions of the Yogi's more than western religions. Although agnostic books that were not included what we call the bible were very close to the Eastern religions which is why they were not included. The religious leaders of the day were trying to consolidate their power and the real meanings of Jesus's message were secondary.
  16. Yes it is bothersome when someone just sits in the left lane and blocks it. I drive very courteous all of the time and move over, I ignore jerks most of time. This guy was just over the top with his road rage it was amusing.
  17. Like I said he came up on my bumper going like 100 MPH, flipped me the bird and was sitting two feet off my bumper. I don't move over for douche bags who drive like that. If he didn't flip me off and sit two feet off my bumper I would have gladly moved over after passing the truck.
  18. It's like saying your proud to be Irish, or proud to be American. Same logic applies here. I think you draw the line around two consenting adults.
  19. RIP Andy. So which was better, the Andy Griffith Show or Matlock?
  20. I usually move over if I see a car driving faster than me in my rear view mirror. But if a person drives aggressively towards me and is being a general ahole like flipping me off, I become an ahole to them and wont move over. Recently I had this one ahole come up on my bumper from out of no where and was flipping me the bird, and I do mean he was like two feet off my bumper, so I brake checked him. I was especially annoyed because a big truck was in the lane beside me so I could not move over if I wanted too. What did he expect me to do with a truck in the lane beside me? So this tool slows down then moves over two lanes and roars past me and the truck and gets in front of me and proceeds to slow down to 65 MPH. I was traveling 75 MPH when this guy came up on my bumper when he wanted me to move over. He sits in that lane doing 65 MPH for about a mile to make a point and then flips me the bird. So I finally get past the truck on my right and move over a lane to pass this guy on the right. He speeds up to stay in front of me in the left lane. So I move back into the left lane. He slows back down to 65 MPH to block me and flips me the bird. I move the right lane and he speeds up again. I move back to left and he slows down. We do this dance 3 more times. At this point I'm just laughing at this tool who is getting so worked up about this left lane thing. He takes off up to 85 MPH and flips me the bird. So for yuks I started chasing him matching whatever speed he went up to. Unfortunately we came up to my exit and I had to stop chasing the guy which I was doing because I was so amused by his road rage. There ought to be a law where you can shoot out the tires of road rage people.
  21. Did you see Rhiana a little further down in body paint?
  22. I think that four hour commute is getting to you. Maybe you should try and get a job closer to home. You can't let peoples off hand comments get to you that much, just let the comments roll off your back and forget about it. See them for what they really are, meaningless comments.
  23. That's what I was thinking?
  24. Good points, it would seem that Modrak indeed was the fly in our ointment for the last what 14 years?
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