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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Did a fight break out after that stunt?
  2. I worked for a company in Carlsbad that has an online version of that game and an in bar game where you predict the play and can win prizes. I think they called it QB1 if I remember right. That would be cool in the stadium.
  3. Yes for instant replays of the plays. I can't tell you how many times I was distracted by something, missed the play and needed instant replay to see the play. I now prefer to be at home vs. the stadium to watch the game. No line for the bathroom and the snacks are dirt cheap compared to stadium prices. I don't pay to park my car and don't have to get in big lines to leave. NFL has become a televised sport that exceeds the live experience IMHO.
  4. Heh there is no difference in our stories. You decided you wanted to jump all over my story. Your a TBD post rager is what you are. You have a problem and should seek therapy.
  5. Yup so its makes no difference. Makes no sense to do a retrial.
  6. Probably a bicyclist driving for a change.
  7. I wouldn't offer a 7th rounder. He hasn't played for Baylor since 2010. Why was he out of football for so long?
  8. Why is the Bills rookie so far ahead of most other teams rookies camp? Just wondering.
  9. Awesome, the city lights at night are remarkable. How can aliens not resist visiting us.
  10. Good one. I remember a family on my street cut off all of those little bristley things on the bottoms of the players and then wondered why the pieces didn't move.
  11. I wouldn't grant a retrial. He was there and shot at Kennedy whether there was a second shooter or not. The dude was there shooting at Kennedy and presumably killed Kennedy. If there was a second shooter, are they going to catch him at this point even if he is alive? Why wouldn't SirHan name the second shooter?
  12. May I have this dance? by Anne Murray was out first dance song. Very nice love ballad. Groomsman gifts? I have no idea? surf boards?
  13. Is that you Snake?
  14. Be prepared for Dr. Daren telling you were wrong for not moving over to the right lane.
  15. Resisting arrest is the catch all phrase for being an ahole to police.
  16. I don't know what those people are thinking. If I have to leave my house during the rush hour in the morning there is a freeway on ramp that is always congested. Everyone is crowding the rightmost lane because 1000 feet up the freeway is the on ramp to the 5 North. (A major artery in San Diego that runs up the coast to Canada) I get that people are in the lane because they are waiting in line to take the 5 north. Sometimes though you get aholes who just wont make room for you to enter the freeway which I have the right to merge into traffic. Someone needs to make a gap to let cars merge in. Some people are just not very courteous to other drivers.
  17. Some farmers having fun. Whats not cool about that?
  18. This is a pure regression. Your back to the infantile amateur status.
  19. Nice one! I'll give you a B+ for effort and creativity. By the way what does OWS stand for?
  20. I don't mess with $50/lb dry aged rib eye, but I do mess with $9/lb rib eye from Vons.
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