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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I don't know what I'd do. But I would be very happy.
  2. Nice ! where did you see the show?
  3. You guys might want to rethink this. Call me crazy
  4. I havn't seen anything mentioning suicide. it could be a bad drug interaction for all we know at this moment.
  5. Kelly , Marv, Bruce, Thurman
  6. Now he can afford to get that mole removed off his face. Holey Moley
  7. Damn after reading this maybe I should off myself.
  8. Life is about getting fresh starts and making the most of them. VY has a fresh start here, lets hope he makes the most of it.
  9. At least she should be topless so we can see her plight.
  10. I thought I would chime in here. He was rah rah about the defense. He was realistic about the offense. Can David Lee make a big difference in Fitz? Who is our #2 and #3 WR's? He didn't talk about the OL where we have improved IMHO. The most negative thing was the W-L record he predicted 8-8 or 9-7, I think we go 10-6 this year. TG conceded losing the division to NE. I don't concede defeat we can win the division and then we don't have to fight for that 6th play off spot.
  11. Did you get logged out and had to relogin? That makes the site look different because the icons dont show up until you login.
  12. Sounds like a closeted bicyclist.
  13. Yes really, I see Mitt slander Obama every day. Why let facts get in the way. God I hope someone kills Romney before the election.
  14. What is his specific problem with California? Now I have some real problems with with California, they just levyed my business checking acct because they thought I still had employees and should have been paying taxes. I was supposed to have filed a report that I laid off all of the employees. It will now cost me over $100 to file the necessary reports to report I laid off all employees. This state sucks when it comes to business for sure. But I wanted to know his specific problem.
  15. Really this is why the PPP is a mine field. I have never voted Democrat until the last election. I'm still a registered Republican voter although I am going to change my affiliation. I could not vote for a Republican again with their lets bomb and invade another country attitude. Hell the next country is Canada.
  16. Sarah Palin was/is a joke.
  17. That is Romney's whole schtick. I havn't heard one idea or plan come out of Romney's mouth. Perhaps the worst Republican candidate in 75 years. I'm voting for Obama because Mitt is just plain pathetic.
  18. Shouldn't you add in an unbelievably stupid country? What happened to your business?
  19. They don't that sport has a very high mortality rate. They are adrenaline addicts.
  20. got to www.directvpromise.com for their side of the story.
  21. We really need to setup a child care education system before someone is allowed to procreate. It would save a lot of misery in this world.
  22. Jennifer Powell looks like a dude.
  23. Thats exactly right. The only time Maybin came close to the ball is when the QB held onto the ball for 15 seconds running around and Maybin finally could close in. How long should a OL hold a block for?
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