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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Crazy story! Did you have to wait for the car to fill up with water before you could get out of the window? Quick question, what development tool do you use to write your Java code?
  2. If you think that was stupid on my part, we used to jump off the top of the International Bridge. Some guys would dive but I wasn't that ballsy. From the top, those huge whirlpools behind the piers look 50 cent pieces.
  3. Yes I lived in Fort Erie at the time. Yes it was an aggressive swim, to aggressive. As I kid I had made that swim many times, just didn't try to touch the American side before, never tried again after that either. Also many times we would swim from the Old Fort to the International Bridge. The only downside was we were kids and had to walk to and from each starting and stopping point.
  4. Monty uses the same actors in every show.
  5. Sitcom is short for Situational Comedy. I believe that Monty Python is all about situational comedy.
  6. I said super cute and yes I would.
  7. Wow, I've a bunch of near death experiences. First one- Almost drowned in the Niagara River, my buddy and I decided to swim across from the Canadian side to the American side starting from the Peace Bridge and wanted to make it back before the railroad bridge on the Canadian side. We touched the American side and started back, we had to swim like crazy if were going to make it to the railroad bridge. A boat stopped and asked if we needed a lift. I should have taken the ride. So we are swimming our asses off and were almost there but I was just plain ran out of gas and had no energy to swim anymore. I started to sink and I had no energy to stop from sinking. Incredibly I was at complete peace with the fact that I was going drown and this it for me. Then I felt something pulling me by the hair, my buddy dove down and was pulling me to the surface. He got me up and I got a few breaths of air and he urged me to start swimming again which I did and made it to the pier by the railroad bridge. I would have drowned if he didn't pull me up. Then we had a five mile walk home. Good times. Second time - The wild fires in San Diego County 2007. I used to have a ranch in the San Pasqual Valley. Around 1:30Am a wall of fire 100 feet high was racing towards us driven by high winds created by the fire itself. We grab the dog and jump in the truck and drive straight towards the fire to get behind it. The fire was a few feet from the truck as we drove past it. we stop at the only store in the area that has a parking lot for saftey. parking lots don't burn. The fire is raging around us, houses are burning, propane tanks are exploding , cars exploding from the gas in their tanks. It is completely surreal. Their are other people there for saftey as well. A Cal Fire crew comes by and moves us to a safer location farther down the road by the Wild Animal Park where there are hundreds of fire fighters battling the blaze to protect the animals. Again very surreal. Later we moved to a mall to try and sleep in the parking lot, the fire again overtakes that area, so I figured if the fire is at the mall it is not at my ranch, it has burned the the area already. Wrong! As we are driving back to the ranch, I had to dodge a police barricade, then on the only road to my ranch is block by a wall of fire blowing across the road. I cant see the other side, there could be downed trees or burned cars for all I know, we stomp on the gas and race thru the wall of fire. Stupid I know but I wanted to see what happened to my ranch. Well all I can say is utter devastation, my ranch looked like Hiroshima, everything was burned down and charred black. Hundred's of trees were knocked down from the wind or burned. Everything was completely destroyed.
  8. Wow none of you guys or gals mentioned Monty Python's Flying Circus? I got hooked on them on PBS from Buffalo in 70's. The milkman skit sticks out in my mind as hilarious. Benny Hill could be funny at times. As for America shows there are so many funny shows, Trailer Park Boys, All in the Family, Two and Half Men, Mash
  9. Wow, super cute and smoked the competition.
  10. What's the logic on not releasing the guys name? Are these two knuckle heads going to go to his home and get shot all over again? Probably not, would you?
  11. Nice, that was awesome!
  12. That may be a better option than cooking burgers at Burger King/MacDonalds
  13. I've dealt with many foundation issues, whats going on?
  14. You know what is sad about this story, that woman's degree in criminal justice just got flushed down the drain. Burger King here we come.
  15. Go really old school and blood let about a pint. Then get some leaches and put them on your ear for awhile.
  16. Well the latest woman teacher to succumb to the lure of a 15 year old student. Teachers aide
  17. I didn't know prostitution was legal in NZ.
  18. Your right I missed that while scanning the list.
  19. I didn't see any Dr. Seuss books. Should Green Eggs and Ham be on there?
  20. You mean like this? Cox Sox
  21. Here is proof that aliens built stone structure. Enjoy
  22. Hand the ball off to Fred Ex and CJ. He doesn't need to be throwing the ball like crazy.
  23. I don't know what I'd do. But I would be very happy.
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