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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. People are crazy. It's just not worth going to a theatre anymore and being affected by this crap. My HD tv and surround sound is just fine for watching a movie and its a lot cheaper as well. Article
  2. Your wrong about cultures, your vision of corporate boardrooms and culture is horrible. 99.9% of corporate cultures and boardrooms would have done the right thing and turned in the perps. You have been watching too many movies my friend.
  3. Great quote, I hate when freedoms and liberties are taken away for our safety. The most dangerous trend in the US today. That and the tea party.
  4. Wear the tie if it's important to everyone. If you don't it could come back and bite you in the ass someday. That will stick in the back of everyone's mind.
  5. It will be interesting to see how many players leave the school.
  6. Wow! The car is a soda can. Glad I drive a truck.
  7. The wildcat was a mixed success last year and didn't really scare anyone. I would be OK with cutting Smith and keeping another WR on the roster and keeping Thigpen for QB depth.
  8. It's bigger than that. They want to crush a culture that gave people the motivation or desire to look the other way. They also want to send a message to all schools to put kids first and report crimes against kids. When you want to put out a fire a lot of stuff gets doused that wasn't burning.
  9. Not a bad plan, I hope we have to decide how to do it this year!
  10. You guys are lucky to be going. Should be a great game. Cant wait to see the Jets crying when I our DL crushes them.
  11. In 1965 I used to walk to kindergarten by myself. Small town and different attitudes back then. I don't remember any abductions ever in the town of Fort Erie.
  12. To beat the pats we have to get to Brady and shake him up, don't let him have all day to throw. Take away Welker and Gronkowski. Make them beat us with other weapons.
  13. I was thinking that as well.
  14. Billy don't be a hero must have a place close to the top.
  15. The guy turned himself in from all of the media attention.
  16. I'm allergic to that stuff. Took one pill and thought I was going to die from puking.
  17. Happy B-Day J Boy Keep yer pants on around those cows!
  18. My french sucks but I dont think so. Alizee She is a she
  19. Check out this story. My question, inside a MacDonald's restaurant is a public place, what privacy rights do you really have if any? Story link
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