I don think their five OL can block our four DL. All four starters should be double teamed. That means three are single covered and they are going to wreak havoc. I see a jail break every snap. Your going down Brady!
Call 911 and ask for mental health services you are on the ledge again. No one is attacking you. It's all in your head! It's called schizophrenia! They have meds for this problem. Back away from your keyboard/gun.
This extends to anyone not born American or Jewish. Such as Canadian, Mexican, English, Irish, Scottish, French, Australian, New Zealand, Swiss, German, ... not just the Palestinians. Did I leave anyone out?
Wahhhh! That's OK baby, were you born here? Or is Romney trying marginalize you? I understand your anger with Romney. It's just misplaced. Call a suicide helpline to work with your anger issues before you do something drastic with a gun. It's OK, the current healthcare system will help with your mental health issues. The current Republican Health Care system will take excellent care of you! Send me a postcard for visiting hours.
This has nothing to do with religion. Romney said he sees why there is an economic divide based on whether you are born American or Jewish. Really? That is the most racist thing I have heard since the KKK wearing white hoods.
Now that Romney has insulted pretty much most people in the world by saying he sees a cultural reason for economic deficiency by people who are not born American or Jewish. I don't see him as presidential material but see him as the racist douche that he is. That is why he can't seem to name a Vice Presidential candidate because he can't find a weasel that is willing to be cast lower than himself.
I voted for Bush, but the Republican party has really stooped so low to name this dirt bag their candidate.
Could Romney come off as being a bigger douche than he already is. Way to go Romney insult everyone who are non Americans or Jews for being culturally challenged. Your weasel eyes and ways are showing. Glad you won't be our President in November.
Your probably right, but you are definitely right about if they do something stupid towards Israel they will all be visiting with Allah shortly thereafter.