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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Wow, can you imagine what the country would be like if Gore won? Maybe no Iraq and Afghanistan?
  2. I'm not so sure about that, but has there ever been a case in history where the electoral college vote differed from the popular vote?
  3. Isn't there supposed to be a separation between church and state? Any two people should be able to go city hall and get married. But if you want to get married in church xyz. well then they have a complete say on who they do and don't marry. That's the way it should work. But religion has entered the government where there should be no involvement. That to me is where the problem lies.
  4. Yes I have noticed that. If we had our phone numbers, home addresses and pictures posted in our profiles this place would be more civil.
  5. Doesn't the electoral college voting system seem like a betrayal of the whole public voting system? To me it seems to negate my vote.
  6. No, I had a ranch/rehab center in the country that was burned down in the 2007 fires and in the aftermath I planted grapes and tried starting a winery but lost it to foreclosure. That was my business, I always lived in the city and commuted to the ranch. I would stay over night sometimes but lived in the city. The best of both worlds I guess.
  7. Lately I have been made to feel this way about posting here. I have shared some personal stories recently only to be lost from the noise certain people generate. Kind of like radio interference or static noise.
  8. Very cool. Thanks for the link.
  9. Yes the engineering that goes into these projects is mind boggling.
  10. Thanks for the report. Cant wait for the regular season to see the defense wreak havoc.
  11. Well I have more seniority than both of you and I'm getting a little sick of your annoying posts. Your like a gnat that just won't go away. But like most gnats they eventually get swatted and go away.
  12. If your being funny it made me laugh.
  13. After a week it gets old makes you look creepy.
  14. Hopefully they will be calling it the kitty cat after they play us.
  15. I don't have a death list. Why don't you join the army they have a death list.
  16. Ethryned just wished an Olympic boxing judge was shot dead for his bad decision in a different thread. Why is no one on his case?
  17. The lower case l looked like an i to me. Feel better now?
  18. You really are a sad person. Learn to read as well.
  19. You really need to get a life. Get a paper route or something, you really have too much time on your hands. Your simple little mind will just get you into trouble with this much free time.
  20. This explains your myopic view of the world and people. Your bored and mentally stunted from living in the burbs. You should get out more it will help with your retarded view of the world and people.
  21. Going backwards 50 years in 1820 Joseph Smith spoke to God and started the Mormon church. Does that count?
  22. Thanks for the report and mostly for your 21 years service. Congrats on your retirement. what are you going to do with all your new found free time?
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