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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. You really don't get figurative speech. Look up the meaning sometime would you. I heard on CNN today that the Republican party drafted the final verbage for their stance on abortion and there were no exceptions listed. How does Romney Ryan new stance square this up with the Republican party? Seems very dysfunctional to me. I'm pro choice so I'll be voting Democratic this year again until the Republicans catch up to the modern world.
  2. Close to the end of the 1st half. I saw three or four completions in a row. He looked comfortable out there and had time to throw including one to a TE Sylvestro for a touchdown.
  3. For the 5 minutes I was watching, the OL was blocking pretty good.
  4. I only got to watch about 5 minutes of the game last night in the 1st half but Ryan Mallet looked pretty good out there. I wish we could have drafted him. He is going to be a good QB in this league. Maybe we can trade for him next year or two years from now.
  5. Are they game planning for this game in the 1st half?
  6. It's exhausting though!
  7. Is Bloomberg calling everyone in Detroit a Monday?
  8. ya, there has to be a more kinder, gentle, refined way to off yourself. Sleeping pills perhaps?
  9. I'm cancelling my membership. Nothing is sacred anymore.
  10. Ass, Grass or Gas! Nobody rides for free!
  11. True Romance was an awesome film. Great cast as well.
  12. Thats why I saw a one legged vulture the other day. I was wondering what the deal was. Now I know.
  13. Is sex in the bushes still considered in the public?
  14. He was invisible in Minn. but so were alot of other players. wow!
  15. Funny they throw a few lines of english in the middle of all the other language.
  16. Yup but stay away from vodka and boats.
  17. What the dude didn't have a passport?
  18. I guess with this last year off he lost a step.
  19. You found your descrambler ring?
  20. They are going to have to look into why the slant passes and crossing passes seemed to work so well against this Def. Third preseason game is where they try to get it right for a qtr or half.
  21. I agree, she is guilty of bad judgement, but doesn't deserve jail time.
  22. This has been a bug a boo for me for years now. If it's 3rd and 10, have a WR run a 11 or 12 yard route, get the first down. Don't throw a completion for 6 yards and have to punt.
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