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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Funny! I'm a little concerned as well.
  2. I need to see the Bills win that game before I start getting excited.
  3. There is the rub! When does conscious human life start? When does the soul enter the body?
  4. No one can take that distinction from you LA. All you got in your bag of tricks is name calling. So republican, nothing of substance.
  5. Ya he kind of back tracked or something there.
  6. If Republicans want to take away the right of woman to control her own body, what's next ? Burka's?
  7. Man can't have fun doing anything these days.
  8. You shouldn't wish an injury on a player. It's bad karma. Ooops, typo there
  9. Thanks for posting. Glad your wife has fully recovered!
  10. Getting slammed into a car after being arrested for drunk driving is one thing. How about getting shot in the chest for being in your own back yard? http://www.infowars.com/california-woman-shot-in-her-own-backyard-by-a-cop/
  11. Thanks for not ripping into me but I don't want to continue debating abortion. I made my points about pro choice and pro lifers have made their points. The debate will never end.
  12. I could see tons of fights about who gets to decide the criteria, fights about the criteria itself. Then whoever is excluded would sue, it would be endless law suits and fighting. It's an Orwellian idea but does solve some of todays issues. And so round the mulberry bush we go. This debate has no ending. Your either pro choice or not. And I don't see one side convincing the other side to change their point of view. So I decline to endlessly rehash this debate.
  13. It would solve a lot of problems. But create so many more at the same time.
  14. I was just trying to make an analogy that these male neanderthals might indentify with a little better.
  15. Your a legend ! In your own mind. Making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortions. It creates a seedy black market in dark alleys with less than ideal medical situations and women end up dying as a result. It could be your sister or mother or some other female relative that pays the price someday down the road. I personally don't want that kind of world for my relatives and people I care about.
  16. Take out razor blade and cut through the net maybe?
  17. Don't forget sunscreen!
  18. Is there a limit to the number of players you can IR?
  19. The guy can't stay healthy, I don't have a problem cutting him.
  20. I don't see any difference. Thats the closest guys can get to the same issue. Shooting blanks or shooting bullets. If society says you should shoot blanks, how would you feel? Is it really up for popular vote in American society whether or not you shoot blanks or bullets? Same difference IMHO. Birth control is the womans decision. Whether it is free or not is a different issue for a different thread.
  21. We are talking about a rape situation here. But even in a domestic relationship, yes it is still her decision. It is her womb. Flip it another way, say you want a vasectomy but society frowns on it. It's your life, your nuts, your decision. Why should society dictate such a personal decision. If you force a woman to always have a child, society better well be prepared to pay for that child and not complain once about that child. Since its all sacred and all.
  22. Lawnmowers ? What is that? I've hired landscape contractors for the last 20 years. Havn't needed any lawn care tools since then.
  23. I see it this way. It's the woman's womb, it's her choice to make what is right for her or what is not right for her. We need to stay out of that decision nor do I believe we have any right to interfer in her personal decision. That is between her and her doctor.
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