What can you say? He left his binoculars on the bed? Presumably used while looking out your own window, but why take them with you? Very strange. That's why criminals are stupid.
I borrowed every penny for college and living expenses. It took close to a year to get the job I really wanted and have earned way more money by going to college than not. I recommend to any young person to borrow the money if they have to, in the end it is way better to have the education than not. More doors will be opened.
Investing in people, I'm assuming is education loans, the person improves their station in life, higher earning potential, can now buy that house, car or whatever. which in turn helps grow the economy and we all benefit.
Canada used to have a thing called the baby bonus. for every child they sent you a check every month. The more kids the bigger your check. I don't know if they still have that.
I would add that in order to reduce the national debt, the US stiff's China on its debt and thumbs it's nose at China saying what are you going to do about it? Nothing, that's what. Hey that is not a bad idea.
I was thinking the same thing. That is some sick driving. 605 HP Zero to 60 in 1.8 seconds.
I was thinking of Chef Jim and some bicyclist getting in the way during that video.
It really comes down to talent and not knowledge of the play. You either can run with the big dogs or you can't. Even if you know where the play is headed or not.
The polar caps have melted and coastal areas flooded. There was a new beach front gold rush. No more gas. Only electric powered cars. There is a 3rd political party in the US. It's in the middle of Pubs and Dems called the New Democratic Party.
No, I like Obama and I will vote for him again, along with the majority of other American's. What will this poor PPP board do when Obama is elected again? I think Gore would have made an excellent President.