He hits late out of bounds a lot as well. The refs should put him on a short leash and call his cheap shots. Or have Corey Mac run to his side more and puts some hits on him.
Beuerlein was a complete homer for Cleveland today and very annoying. I'm surprized he wasn't wearing a Browns jersey. I could listen to him anymore and switched to WGR550 for the sound.
Apparently some unknown persons at this time blew up the power lines to the reactor. Possibly causing damage to the centrifuges. Now who would do such a thing?
No you missed the point, some distant planet from a galaxy far away, billions of years ago, sent a probe to our earth and left behind some microbes that flourished. Idiot.
Scholars have long suspected that Mary could have been his wife. She traveled everywhere with them which would have been taboo back then and maybe even today in backwards Muslim countries, unless Mary was his wife and then it would be OK.