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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. after reading interviews with Chan and Wanny, it's way to early to start throwing people under the bus. We need one more good draft and and another year to be good enough for the playoffs. Hate to say it but we just need more talent on this team to compete.
  2. wow! I'm speechless!
  3. Apparently in Shelbyville the teachers are not getting enough at home. Two from the same school nabbed. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/indiana-middle-school-teacher-lured-kids-pizza-sex-parties-cops-article-1.1133474
  4. Much ado about nothing.
  5. I saw lots of guys not getting off their blocks.
  6. After last weeks effort against NE, drafting a QB is a must this year. Geno Smith is shaping up to be a gamer.
  7. If I was on the bike I would have pulled over on the side of the road to either kick that guys ass if he stopped or to have him continue on his merry way and out of my life.
  8. I generally do agree with unions and why they were created but where I disagree with with unions and agree with you is that if an employee or teacher is bad or ineffective they should be fired right away. It's far to difficult to fire a bad teacher. And that is just plain wrong. That might be the achilles heel of unions, protecting bad teachers and bad employees, it will become their undoing. The other place I disagree with unions is negotiating for higher wages when it just doesn't make sense to pay more and makes a company become not viable. Unions have to realistic and act like a responsible business partner not an adversary of management. Hopefully unions can pull their collective heads out of their butts.
  9. Here in California, the education budget keeps getting reduced in Sacramento because of revenue shortfalls by the state. Budgets get cut so the school districts have to cut, anything considered extra from the core business of education gets cut. Music, PE, nurses, after school programs, field trips, office staff, education specialists, etc. have all been eliminated. They are getting down to cutting bone now, and the kids will end up paying the price from receiving an inferior eduction.
  10. What movie is this from? Heh JBoy, I was reading an article where a dude in Mass. had 50 cows stolen from him and they showed up in Pa. at an auction. My question is can you microchip cows like you can a dog?
  11. So who do we get for the new HC this coming off season? Is Cowher available?
  12. You got the job, when can you start?
  13. The police chiefs convention is in San Diego this week. On the local news they are showing some of the fun new law enforcement tools. Yup drones were being sold.
  14. I remember a scandal in Fort Erie in the 70's where a Chinese restaurant was closed when skinned cats were found in the freezer. We used to meow when seated at our table for laughs.
  15. That's what I was thinking of.
  16. If I line my insulation with tin foil does that keep them from listening to my conversations?
  17. You didn't miss anything. I wish I had to work today instead of watching that disaster.
  18. I thought Gilmore has played pretty good so far
  19. The visit to the city will be great. The visit to the candlestick not so much. It is probably going going to be a blow out.
  20. Maybe Wanny has saved the blitz scheme's for this game. didn't want to give Marcia tape on our blitz packages.
  21. It was all a big mind f--- to mess with Bellichek!
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