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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Chucky would be an upgrade over Channy.
  2. I have been a fan for over 40 years. I have the right to B word and complain when the Bills stink up the place.
  3. We are the only team doing this and he is not getting them out of the end zone. Another failed idea by Chan.
  4. Well said, I think there is some strife inside the locker room that nobody is talking about. I heard Kirk Morrison say on Fox Sports last Friday that what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room. Something happened and we are seeing the after effects of this strife.
  5. Yes if the Cards Oline stone wall Mario I will be lamenting loudly.
  6. He started with Trent before Fitz, that is more pathetic!
  7. I agree with the new owner part but a top tier coach can bring draft a franchise QB.
  8. Your funny.
  9. I think the defense has quit on the team. They have mentally checked and going thru the motions of playing to collect their checks. Ever since Moorman was fired, something must have happened two weeks ago.
  10. Forget electric cars. I want the same powered engine that is in the latest Mars rover. That thing is going to drive around for 5 years on a single engine/charge.
  11. Supposedly Tesla had a way of collecting electricity from the air.
  12. PT Barnum has a famous quote that applies to you. Keep dreaming.
  13. why torture us any longer? Sell the team now and move on.
  14. Setting all time records for all the wrong reasons. What a disgrace to go into the records as the worst defense in 62 years.
  15. worst in the division? We are playing the worst in the NFL right now.
  16. They only wasted 25 min. of my time today. I turned off the TV in the 2nd quarter.
  17. Why feel bad for RW? He is senile and doesn't know what day it is. He really should sell the team now, why wait for his passing?
  18. Maybe when Ralph passes and the team moves to LA he will.
  19. +1 I'll take a train up to see them play.
  20. Not that familiar with the other states, do they have these ridiculous summer and winter blends like Cali or excessive pollution refinery issues that Cali has in place?
  21. Obsess much? They have meds to help people with your disease.
  22. I saw a good news report on why gas prices in Cali have shot up. Oil companies have cut back on making the summer blend to switch to producing the winter blend which they cant sell until Nov. 1st. So this has created an artificial shortage causing prices to soar. Rep. Darral Issa is calling for the Governor to let the the winter blend which we have plenty of be sold now which would bring the prices back down. I say scrap the summer blend all together. I say scrap all the Cali gas restrictions completely. Texas doesn't have these restrictions and problems and high prices. This is a problem created by California, not any President residing in the White House. So electing Romney will not cure high gas prices in Cali.
  23. Gas just rocketed up to 4.79 yesterday.
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