Chan's play calling is pretty good. Fitz just can't cash the check that Chan is writing. He is just to inconsistent as a QB. We are stuck with him for now, but next draft we need to draft his replacement.
By stopping didn't mean I wanted to fight but I'm not going to back down if that's what happens.
I didn't know there was hiker's rules that we should all know. Can you give them to me so when I walk on a hiking trail I'm compliant? And when I say hiking trails, these are single file hiking trails only 12 inches wide. Also I do go on trails 6 feet wide so what are the rules there?
I was walking on a hiking trail the other day coming around a corner and almost got creamed by two bicyclist's doing their off road thing going as fast as their legs could pedal them. I had to jump out of the way as he slammed on his brakes. Aren't they supposed to jingle a bell at blind corners? I just can't get away from those two wheeled nuisances.
I agree the RW has been a big part of the problems for decades now. Only a new only will cure this problem. Sad thing is that the team will probably move after he passes.The upside is that if they move to LA, I will be able to go to home games.
If he is so concerned about keeping the team in Buffalo he should sell the team now to a group who's going to keep the team in Buffalo. But since he won't do that, this team will be on a bus to LA when he passes.
Kevin Costner did Dances with Wolves, he will be able to lift the curse. We will have to give him an Indian name. Any suggestions? Dances with Buffaloes?
Funny I was just joking with Mrs. Fan in San diego that the Ralph must be built on an Indian Village because we are so cursed. They better hire an Indian Shaman to clear the bad spirits.
I'm thinking of that movie with Woody Harrelson and Juliet something where they dropped acid in the desert, that was a freaky scene. The Killers or something like that?