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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. The good news is that Chan is going to where a jersey with the name "He Hate Me" on the back!
  2. I was just using the facts stated in the updated article linked to on page 6 I think. I didn't make anything up.
  3. From previous break in's he knew they would show up eventually. The kids deserve to be in jail for breaking into his home, not executed. He could have called 911 when he saw them approaching on his CCTV.
  4. I think it is premeditated. He unscrewed the light bulbs out the sockets in the basement except for the one by the stairs so he could see them clearly as they came down the stairs and not be seen by them. Then he was sitting in a chair in between two books cases with a loaded rifle and his side arm strapped on. Also had a tarp laid out ready to drag the bodies onto. If that isn't laying in wait for your target I don't know what is. How many Thanksgivings have you or anybody you know spent in your basement like he did?
  5. Not really, I upgraded from the iPhone4 to the 5 and saw real improvement, Siri, battery life, weight, etc. Microsoft Office never has new features, just new buttons mixed up in new places so I can't find the same functionality I had in the previous version.
  6. The good news is that the tests came back negative.
  7. Microsoft drives me crazy, they resell the same Microsoft Office year after year with only changing the buttons and tabs and moving them to new locations so you cant find them anymore. Microsoft is and always was a fraud.
  8. He took some guys that Tony Dungy couldn't win with and he won a Super Bowl! I say that makes him a good coach.
  9. Did you read the updated article that details his actions that day? Read it and let me know if you still agree with your comments above.
  10. JK doesn't have to know how to run the front office. He just needs to know how to pick good football players and and make sure the team is practicing and preparing to win correctly during the week. Is this a precursor to keeping Chan and Nix?
  11. No, but it would be interesting to see vs. yet another turd being laid by Fitz.
  12. Those are pretty sweet looking. On a rainy day driving at 70 mph how do those work ?
  13. That makes me want him more. Took players that Dungy couldn't win with but he went and won a SB with them. That makes him a great coach and better than Dungy. The other years of decline were due to salary cap issues. Not his fault.
  14. I would call both deaths 1st degree murder. He was laying in wait to kill the intruders. It was not self defense. He could have called 911 and fired warning shots to scare the intruders away.
  15. Shrimp and King crab for eve. Meatballs and lasagne for day.
  16. A good friend of mine is a die hard Seattle fan. Man am I jealous of their success!
  17. Welcome home and thank you for your service. And have a great Christmas home.
  18. Merry Christmas Bills Nation !
  19. exactly, it would be entertaining at least to see how TJ does. We already know Fitz can't get it done.
  20. Gruden knows how to pound the rock. He used to bring a piece of granite into the locker room.
  21. This http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Jon_Gruden
  23. Do they even have a defensive meeting to game plan for an opponent ? They play the same way every down. No blitzing or situational adjustments.
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