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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I'm a rib eye kind of guy. How much are they going for in KC?
  2. I know what you mean. I think they are going to sign a name HC candidate to sell tickets this year.
  3. Doesn't Washington already run something similar to it? Even the K-Gun is probably like it.
  4. Texans over Bengals Pack over Vikings Colts over Ravens Seahags over Deadskins
  5. jw don't even give that idiot the time of day. It's awesome that you post here and your a great journalist. Keep up the great work.
  6. I wore a T shirt today. High of 67 last time I checked. Sunny skies, BBQ'd steaks last night outside. I certainly do enjoy living in SD. That's why AJ Smith got fired.
  7. What part of SD are you in? Ever go to the PB Ale house to watch games?
  8. Thanks for posting this. I would be happy to have Smith on our team. He has a higher QB rating than Kaepernick
  9. So Parcells is making a living by getting paid to endorse someone as HC material. What a scam.
  10. Also don't forget a GM may target a player in a specific round and then someone snags that target a round earlier. Maybe Nix would have taken Russel Wilson in the next round. I think they would have picked Cousins but Washington got him the pick before us.
  11. Good job Scott ! Can we point to your belly button as the TBD leader?
  12. I was watching that game. He definitely should not have been ejected. But the game was getting very chippy at that point and I think the official was sending a message to all the players to settle down or your getting tossed. The game did settle down after that.
  13. Al Davis still makes decisions. He just uses the psychic network to mind meld in his decisions.
  14. I agree with what your saying with two exceptions. RW is not involved anymore in the decisions and the new HC will have input. I'm going to be optimistic and hope that things improve.
  15. He has always been successful where he has served. Not a bad pick. I think there are better but he is solid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue_Jackson
  16. +1 Would have been a great question.
  17. But Chan doesn't get the same respect and soft bounce out the door? I'm sorry to disagree with you, Buddy should have been relieved of his duties along with Chan. It just muddles up the picture in this draft. If this draft sucks who do you blame? Or if it's a great who do you give credit too? And if it's a great draft and you credit Buddy, then why get rid of him? It's just messy. You either trust the guy and keep him or you don't and let him go.
  18. +1 I don't see the logic in keeping Nix. Just fire the dude and promote Whaley. This is your typical retarded move by the Bills or should I say RW?
  19. I heard some talking head on CNN today while I was driving around today make a good observation. Both parties want to go over the cliff so they both can vote for tax cuts on Jan 1st or 2ns and make themselves look better saying they voted for tax cuts. I don't like the logic but I see the logic in it.
  20. When you put it like that. Fire the bum!
  21. I see he was the OL coach asst HC at Arizona which did nothing this year. So I'll pass on Russ.
  22. That tells me you got to have a franchise QB to do anything in this league.
  23. Jon Gruden is name that gets me excited of all the names being thrown around in this thread.
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