This discussion reminds me of the scene in Pulp Fiction where they called the Wolf (Harvey Keitel) after shooting that kid in the face. (The Bonnie situation)
Are you a oak man? You look like an oak man. Here's a $1000 and get a new bedroom set
Substitute oak for the 3 - 4
Are you a 3 -4 man? You look like a 3 - 4 man. Here's a $1000 and get a new defense.
I might be the odd one out but those clips from Diner didn't make me laugh and I didn't think Seinfeld was funny either. Way to dry and they just drone on about meaningless shite.
It was an awesome movie and an more awesome nick name for the coach
But Cleveland deserve whatever they get. They fired Bill Belichick? How retarded is that in hind site.
They are not connected as far as I know. The article talked about both the food stamp and the school lunch program. I was commenting on the school lunch program.
In the Pettine interview, he said they are going to run the 3-4, 4-3, disguise the coverage pre snap, pressure the QB, so different looks all the time.
I agree, bad judgement. He could have just verbalized the concept, "what about people who stomp on or burn the US flag" probably would have accomplished the same thing without getting in hot water or being fired.
Ya, elementary school kids are going to run out and get a job so they can eat. My wife is in elementary school's from poor neighborhoods, some of those kids would not get a meal that day if not for the school lunch programs. A kid cant concentrate on learning when they have gnawing hunger. Not all programs are bad.
My take on it is that they are both on the same page offensively and work well together. Seems like a good idea to me. But like you said, time will tell. I hope I am right. I like the fresh start.
So Rob's House I thought of you on my lunch break today. I was eating lunch in a park watching a man and woman standing by their cars making out heavy duty. She was grinding on him, he had to adjust his pants, he was reaching down her pants and fondling her breasts thru her clothes. I thought you probably would have went beserk and punched them in the face.
Why is it crazy? Bama is as close to an NFL team that Te'o has been exposed too, and he failed miserably. Wait till he faces a real NFL team, he will be rendered useless.