At some point the min. wage needs to be raised. It was $1.00 per hour when I was a teenager. Would that wage make any sense today? Does $9.00 make sense? I don't know, maybe it should only be raised $0.25 to $0.50 per hour to keep up with inflation.
When I was a teenager the minimum wage was $1.00 an hour. At different points the min. wage was raised to what it is now. Maybe now isn't the best time to raise the min. wage but it will trend up.
I did refer to that, why haven't they been built? Besides my opinion that the restricted capacity creates a shortage which drives up the price.
Great article. Screw the environmentalists, This country needs cheaper gas.
The medical marijuana out there today is 100 times stronger than 20 years ago. That Blueberry Train wreck was medical grade. Meaning really potent stuff.
With oil companies recording record profits, we are being gouged at the pump. I think this issue is too important to trust oil companies to fairly charge us. They can single handedly kill our economy. The government really needs to audit and regulate prices to make sure they are fair to both the oil company and the consumers. Did the cost to produce really jump that much in 30 days? I doubt it. They always site the excuse that a refinery is down and restricts production. Well build another refinery so the flow never goes down.
Isn't all of the Republicans taking the week off as well?
Just my opinion.
As a father of a daughter as well. I share your future concerns as well. I have raised her to have as much self respect as humanly possible, so hopefully if anyone is disrespectful to her she will have enough self respect to leave asap.
I never thought of it that way but you have a point.
Also saw something about this on the news this morning. They recovered a blood covered cricket bat. What is that about?
One university official called it a “boy-killing, man-mutilating, money-making, education-prostituting, gladiatorial sport"
Not much has changed since 1906
Isn't this the month a lot of people get their credit card statements from Christmas purchases? This could explain a dip in spending. A Christmas spending hangover.