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Baltos best

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Everything posted by Baltos best

  1. Golf Oh knock it off will you, it will get cold soon enough. This weather has been awesome. The kids & I have been swimming in the pool the last 5 days. Watched college football/bill game outside last weekend, not sure if I am going golfing Sunday afternoon or give these jokers one more Sunday of my time.
  2. You are correct, the media in Buffalo is exactly the problem...has been for years.
  3. I ran that phrase through Google...looks like dad-in-law owns it. Nice!
  4. It's about wins & losses last time I checked, Sabres standing speaks for itself...but you keep drinking that Pegula punch. Talk about myopia.
  5. The player cupboard might not be bare but the coaching one is looking sparse.
  6. Same ole Bills. Time to finish raking the yard.
  7. 27-6 Texans. The fork has been placed for another year. Maybe next year though.
  8. Key Don Merideth "turn out the lights the party's over". Game, set, match, season. Good night boys.
  9. Here it comes. Good night boys.
  10. Nothing for nothing but how much did Dez Bryant play in those 2 games with Cassel?
  11. Outstanding post! There is no need to be apologetic about our collective hatred for a man/group of men that is actively trying to remove a part of our lives. That’s about as personal as it gets for many of us. Will we bear a grudge forever? Probably not. Is the JBJ hatred earned at this moment? Absolutely.
  12. College coaching at it's best.
  13. We'll be in section 146 on Sunday, not sure where to go on Saturday night.</p>
  14. My 2 sons & I are planning on going to the game, what sections would have the most Bills fans?
  15. Gotta disagree with ya on this one. Been a Baltimore City police officer for 23 years after growing up in the Town(Tonawanda). No worse place to visit or raise a family then right here. Annually one of the top 3 most deadly cities in the country. Not to mention the home of Ray Lewis & Willis. How much worse could it get?
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