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Everything posted by folz

  1. When are people going to stop fighting over race and politics? Both sides (Repubs and Dems) are corrupt and full of criminals. And if you look at their actions as opposed to their rhetoric, you would see that nothing much changes no matter which group is in office. And all of this (social issues, race issues, etc.) is just the age-old tactic of divide and conquer. Those who have real power continually pit us against each other and keep us fighting, so we don't see what is really going on in this world. Don't be so sure that you are right about everything. Question everything, including your own beliefs.
  2. Sucks most for the players who get injured this week. Can't even spend quality time with the family after the game.
  3. To be fair not all of their points came in garbage time against the worst teams in the league. Despite losing these games, they put up 25 vs. Miami, 25 vs. Pats (w/Brady), 25 vs. Seattle, 20 vs. Steelers, and 24 vs. Oak. Those are probably all playoff teams this year.
  4. Ask and you shall receive... I combined QB rushing and passing yards and rushing and passing TDs to see how that affects Tyrod's numbers. Out of the 29 NFL Quarterbacks that have more than 2,000 yards to this point in the season, Tyrod ranks 20th in Total Combined Yards and 18th in Total Combined TDs. QB Total Combined Yards and TDs (Passing and Rushing) ​ Yds TDs ​Brees 4,578 36 Ryan 4,442 32 Cousins 4,104 25 Rodgers 4,095 35 Wentz 3,995 15 Luck 3,953 28 Stafford 3,926 23 Dalton 3,892 20 Wilson 3,830 17 Flacco 3,807 21 Rivers 3,807 23 Carr 3,766 25 Palmer 3,759 22 Winston 3,747 26 Mariota 3,681 27 Prescott 3,656 30 Bortles 3,646 25 Roethlisb 3,555 27 Manning 3,482 25 Bradford 3,263 14 Taylor 3,214 20 Tannehill 3,159 20 Brady 3,091 22 Newton 3,091 20 Siemian 3,074 16 Smith 3,061 15 Oswelier 2,836 10 Fitz 2,491 10 Keenum 2,221 10 Kaepern 2,197 14
  5. I never want the team to tank for any reason. If you have a game to play, you play to win! However, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see this team lose to Cleveland. (And I'm generally an optimist.)
  6. On the conversations regarding Brandon: I. MARKETING 1. It has always bothered me that he seems to get credit for Rochester being a Bills town (because of his marketing genius). I'm sorry, I grew up in Rochester and it has always been a Bills town. I started going to games in 1980 and I-90 from Rochester to Buffalo was packed every Sunday with cars and trucks sporting their Bills logos, signs, and bumper stickers. 2. The Toronto series (enough said). And again, there were plenty of fans already from southern Ontario. I sat next to them many a times as far back again as the '80s. 3. Sellout crowds. Yes, there was a period in the mid-80s where games were blacked out constantly due to low attendance. But since the Super Bowl years that has not been the case and I don't think it has anything to do with Brandon selling false hope, etc. Western New York is in a love affair with this team (a sad, sick, twisted love affair, but it has nothing to do with Brandon). And also, if the team won more, there wouldn't be a question of filling seats at all. Really, what has he tangibly done in what is supposed to be his expertise? Speaking of which, that expertise is supposed to be marketing, and his prior experience was in baseball (not football), and yet he in essence made himself the GM at one point, really? And there is no doubt that with Donahoe's exit and Ralph's failing health, he has basically been in charge of the team since 2006...acting as de-facto owner until Terry and Kim took over and then continuing as president and managing partner since. When you are the man in charge, you are responsible for everything below you. If we question Rex's record over the last 6 years, why would we not question the guy who has actually been running this team for the last 11 years? And IF there have continually been toxic relationships and in-fighting, etc. then I look to the top. He is either party to the problems, or unable to resolve them to the benefit of the team. Either way, as a leader, he is culpable.
  7. Is Whaley perfect? Of course not, but if nothing more, he's the best GM we've had in 16 years (Donahoe, Marv, Brandon, Nix). Why would you want to get rid of him unless you were absolutely sure that you could get someone much better. Something tells me that the list of unemployed GMs that would be much better than Whaley is very short. It may not be showing up on the field right now for whatever reason (injuries, losing culture, coaching, etc.) and we're all disappointed, but this is the most talent we have had since the late 90s. I wouldn't just throw that away in the hopes of landing some top 10 GM who actually wants to come to Buffalo. I honestly think if you look at the roster objectively, not just at those last two disappointing loses, Whaley (and Monos) have done a really solid job. And no offense OP, I'm totally disappointed in the little impact that Sammy has had thus far too, but it used to drive me crazy when people said we gave up two first rounders for Sammy, let alone three. Yes we gave them that year's first rounder and the following year's first and fourth rounder (2 first rounders). But we also got a first rounder back from them that we used on Sammy. So, the reality is we gave a first and fourth rounder to the Browns to swap picks. We didn't even give away two first round picks because we got one back (at a higher slot).
  8. Wasn't the NFL supposed to be cracking down on helmet to helmet hits for player safety? I swear I have see more helmet to helmet hits ending in concussions this year (all teams, not just the Bills) and yet, they never get flagged unless it's a top name QB.
  9. Honest question. What is it about the Pats? How does a team continue to be the best team every year for 16 years, able to go on a tear whenever they feel victimized (talk about delusional with the treatment they get from the refs), able to go 11-5 and 3-1 without Brady, etc.? Plenty of other teams have had a HOF coach and HOF QB before, there are teams who had 8-10 HOFs all playing at the same time, but no one in the modern era has been able to maintain it for16 years. Most great teams couldn't even manage it for a decade in a pre-FA era? So how do the Pats continue to do it? Is it really just the greatest coach, QB, and organization ever? Or is it something else? Cheating, HGH, steroids, always getting the calls? What? I know I just sound like a bitter fan of a rival team, but honestly it is hard to fathom. Injuries don't seem to bother them, losing great players---no problem, they just fill in with another guy and all of a sudden he's all Pro. Other teams with great QBs and excellent coaching go up and down from year to year: New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Green Bay, etc. But the Pats have 11-13 wins and are contending for the Super Bowl every year. Just curious what you all think. Are they just the greatest footballers ever or do you think something else is afoot?
  10. I'm sorry, Gilmore was definitely in man coverage on the 53-yard TD to Hogan. Even if there was supposed to be help over the top, Gilmore was a clear 7 yards behind Hogan on the play. It's not like they were in zone and he was releasing the player to the safety to stay in his zone. He was supposed to stay with Hogan, but he got torched. A safety over top may have prevented the TD, but the Pats still would have had like a 30-yard reception because Gilmore got burned. How many times in the NFL do you see a corner and safety converge on a receiver. I saw it happen at least twice on the other side of the field yesterday with Darby. So, even if there was supposed to be safety help, Gilmore still should have been on Hogan, not chasing him seven yards back. If he was tight and Hogan made a great play on the ball, you could just say great play but not put it on Gilmore (like in the Jets game). But Hogan turned him around and left him in the dust. I like Gilmore and do think he is a good corner, but no way is he worth top 5 money (which is what he's asking for)...and if he is playing soft, cautious, etc. to avoid injury as others have suggested, then I'm fine to see him walk no matter what the price. This is a team game. What about the other 52 guys putting themselves out there every week?
  11. And I'm sure if the Pats beat the Steelers on Sunday, no one will be saying, well, it was without Rothlisberger. No, the stories will be that the Pats are ballin'.
  12. The reason Buffalo got him is because he wasn't happy with what they were asking him to do in Houston, so Houston was ready to move on (despite what his production may have been). Then he does the same thing in Buffalo when Rex came. Sure he has been a very good/elite player at times in his career, but if he had a problem with both Wade's and Rex's defenses, two of the best defensive coaches in the league who have made stars out of unknown players, then I tend to think it is the player and not the coach(es). And choosing not to play hard is inexcusable.
  13. Nice point to remember Gunner...thanks.
  14. LeSean - No explanation necessary, but I'll also mention that he had at least 3 or 4 great blitz pickups today. Robert Woods - 5 receptions, 4 went for first downs and one for a TD (talk about maximizing production); plus great blocking all game. Tyrod - Running, passing, controlling the game. Everything you want from your QB. O-Line - A little shaky in pass pro early, but played like monsters the rest of the way. The Gut - Kyle and the Brown Brothers, shutting down the middle and for the big 3rd and 4th down stops. Schmidt - Although he wasn't needed in the first half, he came up huge in the 2nd. One thing at least we can say as Bills fans is that we haven't had to worry about punting for years (going from Moorman to Schmidt). You never notice the punt game until you don't have a good punter. Let's face it...a total team win!
  15. I agree that without knowing the coverage, we can't be sure that Gilmore made the mistake. But as far as resigning him goes, I think it is totally up to Gilmore himself. He is an above average corner, but he wants top 5 money. He's playing good, but not great. So, if he refuses to budge from top 5 money, I think he'll be gone. If he comes down in price, the Bills would like to keep him. So, it's up to him. In the end, he'll probably get his money (plenty of teams will overpay for free agents), just not from Buffalo.
  16. I'm with you Ryan...I was disappointed with last year and how this year started like everyone else, but I still believed Rex could get it turned around. Interesting that in Rex's post-game comments, he brought up the "change'" (to Anthony Lynn), when previously he has shied away from it (due to not wanting to disrespect GRo) without being asked about it and then said, "You're seeing a football team...with this staff there's no hidden agendas..." I wonder if that was in relation to Roman. Maybe Greg wanted to do things his way and wasn't "All in" on the team concept as it were. Whereas Lynn is someone who has been with Rex a while. Maybe the coaching staff is more cohesive and all pulling in the same direction which has led to this becoming a true team, one for all and all for one, us against the world, accountability, etc. Basically, team chemistry. You can feel it with these guys, the players and coaches. Maybe everything that has happened, the doubting of Rex and Rob and McCoy and Tyrod, the rookies getting injured, allowing unsung and unselfish players like Lorax and Zach to shine, Sammy going down, forcing Tyrod to spread the ball, the firing of Roman, etc. has brought these guys closer and made them a true "TEAM." Listen to Lorenzo praise the rest of the team for his sacks and pointing out Kyle's play, listen to McCoy rave about the offensive line, these guys believe in each other. Shady: "Everything's Buffalo...I only care about winning games for Buffalo."
  17. The Bills will need to play smart and possibly overcome some adversity in this one. Just have a feeling the League would like to see the Rams win in just their 2nd home game of the year. It would help to build that fanbase in a market they've been trying to tap for years. Have a feeling iffy calls may go the Rams way. Not saying the game will be rigged, only that a few calls or no calls that went our way last week, might not go our way this week and if so, the Bills will have to overcome that. The way to make sure that doesn't happen is to come out of the gate fast and dominate early. Just a thought from the slightly conspiratorial view.
  18. I'm having a hard time buying this one (no offense to the OP - rumor threads can be fun). I agree with PolishDave that he probably said a lot of things to make Lynn want to stay with the team, you don't want to lose your RB coach the year after being #1 in rushing. But let's think about this rationally. If said at the time he was granting Lynn permission to interview with other teams, then we are talking pre-draft. Pre-Buddy dying, pre-Shaq injury, pre-Ragland injury, pre-suspensions and Karlos, etc. etc. So none of that would weigh into it. This would mean that Rex gave up on this season back in March. I mean, if he was planning to retire then he should have done it then. (If you're thinking of retiring, then you already have in your mind and know you don't have the drive to go through another season, it's said all of the time in the NFL because the league year--even more for a coach than player---is a serious grind.) On the other hand, If he did get some type of ultimatum and didn't believe he could turn it around (assumed he would be fired), then that is even worse...going into the entire offseason with a defeatist attitude. It would also mean that he brought Rob on just to get him a paycheck from the Pegula pockets. You don't think the players would sense their head coach was half-way out the door, not putting his full effort into it? What about Terry, Kim, Russ, and Doug? They wouldn't notice it and do something about it? Hell if Rex goes down, Doug might also...you think he's going to let Rex mail the season in? If this was said this past week, it might make sense, but back in March? No way (at least not the way presented). I can't see Rex doing that (not caring, going through the motions, assuming he can't turn things around, etc.). I don't think its in his make-up. If all that were true, and Rex gave up on this season before it started, then he would jump up the list to become my most hated Bills coach of all time. But, I just don't think its true. It's more likely a game of telephone. Something was said, but what we're getting on the other end paints an entirely different picture than what the true conversation was.
  19. No comment on preseason meaning anything, but... winning an opposing team's home opener in their house is a tough ask for any team (unless the teams are so unevenly matched) and I think Baltimore was much better than their record last year and will have a bounce back season. So, originally, I was chalking up week one as a loss (and it still may be), but lately I've been thinking that we might have an X factor in Tyrod. The Ravens didn't treat him poorly or anything, but I think he is gonna want to shine in that game against his old team and in front of the Baltimore fans. Plus you know he feels comfortable in that stadium/field. And if the defense is as improved as they appear to be, we might just take that game yet.
  20. Completely agree with Johnny H! Gunner, thanks for starting this thread and I think you're pretty much on point, but I also saw Groy get blown up quite a few times. I expect he'll make the roster, but I would be very worried about our run game if he had to see much action this year.
  21. If you listen to the interview with Duke on the John Murphy show (August 16) it seems mostly that his attitude has changed. I think between Ed Reed coaching them to be professionals and Rex's "All In," it seems that Duke has rededicated himself. He basically said that he didn't do what he needed to do last year (buy in, study more, etc.). Maybe he was one of the guys influenced by the malcontents last year (my speculation). He probably also realized with the year he had last year and the new guys that they brought in that his job was on the line. He seems hungry this year. The whole team does, each for their own reasons, and I think this is a very positive development. True culture change, not banners in the field house. http://www.buffalobills.com/video/audio/The_John_Murphy_Show_August_16/d35f9a60-264d-451e-8806-306006d75a03 Interview starts at like 56:50
  22. Could be Moorman, since they did that trial run a few weeks back (where he co-hosted for two nights). But I would love it to be Reuben Brown. The last two times he was on the show, I was thoroughly impressed with his knowledge of the game. He knows how to break things down (plays, schemes, player responsibilities) to where they are understandable to the average listener. And he has a player's perspective and can tell you what players are probably thinking/feeling, how things might be perceived in the locker room, etc. I really enjoy listening to him when he is on.
  23. Is this supposed to be a joke?
  24. I think all of the backs are important. Shady's gonna be Shady, which is a top 5 back in the league. Able to cut and change directions on a dime and always a threat. Karlos is a different style back, he's got the power and also has a nose for the endzone. Gillislee proved his worth too. And the rookie was great value where taken and a good insurance policy for Karlos's possible concussion issues, being a bigger back himself. But, the fact that all three of the backs from last year excelled speaks as much to G-ROs schemes and the play of the Oline as it does to their individual talents. Having said that, no doubt, this is a top 5 backfield, talent-wise and I think they will all be utilized (including the fullbacks). Think of the options that a creative run game coordinator has with that group. Everything is open to you. You have power and finesse, you can pound the middle and turn the corner, each guy has proven he can be a homerun threat, they can all catch out of the backfield---opening up screens and disguised pass plays, the play action threat, etc. I think this offense is poised to takeoff and everyone of the parts will be key to the whole. But, I'm with you on the love for Karlos OP!
  25. So, Rex has been a DC or HC for 11 years and you're saying, well if you throw out his first 7 or 8 years, he sucks. You may not like the guy, but you can't erase 3/4 of his career to try to prove your point. 9 of his 11 years, Rex's defense was top 8 in yards allowed, 6 of those years top 10 in points allowed (and some of the low years in points with the Jets were probably due to an anemic offense and lack of defensive personnel). He had 4 years (2 with the Ravens and 2 with the Jets) that you could arguably say that he had the best defense in the NFL (that's more than 1/3 of the years he's coached). And I was never a fan of Buddy, but you have to give the guy his due. He created a defense, the "46", that gave HOF coaches like Bill Walsh headaches. Walsh said, "It's really the most singular innovation in defensive football in the last twenty years." In 14 of the16 years as DC/HC, Buddy's defense ranked top 15 in points allowed (8 of those years in the top 5) and 9 of those years his defense was top 12 in yards given up. He had 6 years of having one of the best (top 5) defenses overall in the NFL and of course, the one year where he had one of the best defenses of all-time. Now, I agree, that looking at Rob's DC rankings (based solely on yards and points allowed) is not pretty. 2 or 3 good years out of 12. But, Rob is not our defensive coordinator!!!! Rex and DT are. And just as some guys are great coordinators, but not great head coaches (Buddy for example); other guys may be great coaches, but not suited for the coordinator role. Rob may be a great coach who can help out in so many areas, beyond just being great support for his brother and it doesn't matter what his record was as a DC, because that is not his role with this team. And maybe, just, maybe, being twins, Rex and Rob will actually be better together than they were apart. I don't know if things will work out with Rex as our HC, I certainly hope so and my gut says it will, but nothing is certain. But, like them or hate them, it's pretty hard to say that the Ryan's impact on the NFL (i.e., their name) is nonsense.
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