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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. I noticed Gronk stutter steps before the hit to get his body lined up to aim his hit. By using his elbow brace as a weapon - I agree that it proves that it is not needed for medical reasons and should not be allowed to be worn. I'm not aware of anyone else in the NFL who wears such a brace. The punishments for intentional, unnecessary roughness are ridiculously minor. 15 yards is nothing for a dirty hit that could have a lasting influence on a game or a career. Suspension penalty should be based upon severity of the injury making it roughly equal to the time missed by the victim of the dirty hit.
  2. There are things I like about Tyrod, but its time to move on... We gave him more opportunity than most other teams would. Hopefully some other QB needy team falls in love with him and chooses him instead of drafting a QB ahead of us.
  3. I can't believe we just won a game most experts predicted us losing and there is 9 pages of bitching about TT. We all know he aint perfect, but he's the best QB we have had since Flutie. Every QB not named Brady or Rogers has their flaws. Most people can't wait to get rid of him, but there is no sure savior coming behind him. Chances are that whatever rookie we draft is just going to be some young guy trying to figure out NFL defenses, throwing picks and losing games. No-one knows anything about evaluating college QBs. So there is no guarantee that whoever we draft will lead us to the playoffs. Yeah, we should probably draft a QB to look for improvement at that position, but that doesn't mean we should run TT out of town. TT is good enough to get us to the playoffs. If we can end the drought this year, I would be thrilled.
  4. I hope they spend their top picks on QB and O line talent. Everything else is secondary to that. Competition for the top QBs will be crazy. At least half will end up failing but we need to take a shot at one and give him the best possible O line to help him & the offense succeed.
  5. Virgil, 1st I want to say thanks for your dedication to always write up your game thoughts. It's not always an enjoyable thing to do with this team. Now for #1 - This debacle confirms my thoughts that QB evaluation is the biggest mystery in all of pro sports. NOBODY in the NFL can predict how a QB will succeed or fail. Not Bellicheck, not Elway, not anybody. The only certainty is that if you don't have one, you need one and you need a good one to succeed in this game. Petermans fate isn't over. I hope he continues to develop.
  6. Virgil - thanks for your thoughtful game summaries. I don't write much here but am an avid reader and I always look for your response after the game. I also usually agree with most of your thoughts. Hopefully TP, KP & DW can figure out a way to raise the Bills above mediocrity.
  7. Congrats to Kathryn. I hope she has a long and successful career with the the Bills. I trust Rex's judgement that she is qualified and motivated to succeed in her new position. I feel allot better about this than Rex hiring his brother. I'm proud of the Bills for giving her an opportunity. Hopefully she does well for the Bills and opens other opportunities for women in the NFL.
  8. Very nice game by Tyrod. I'm glad it wasn't wasted by a loss. In postgame Rex mentioned that he had been very good in practice this week with the ball only hitting the ground once on Wednesday. He definitely has something worth keeping. Now he needs time and development and we might end up with our long sought after answer.
  9. I think the Bills need to be up by at least 10 with 2 min left in the game for them to win. I fully expect the androgynous Pats to get the refs calls at the end of the game, including phantom calls as needed to help NE win. Win or lose, I'm sure we will be talking about highly questionable or phantom calls after this game. I hope we just kick a-- so it doesn't matter.
  10. FYI he's on with Gruden now on ESPN2...
  11. The other thing to keep in mind is that Clay is entering the prime of his career. The Bills will get his best years of production and he fits their offense. See his plays on Utube - he is matchup problem for defenses.
  12. 1. EJ 2. Hoyer 3. The top QB from the CFL
  13. We'll said... I think a lot of the success of a QB prospect just depends on what type of team they land on and how good the coaches are at developing them and adapting to their strengths. It's the coaches job to put them in situations where they can succeed.
  14. I've come to the conclusion that, aside from the very few can't miss prospects such as Luck or Elway, no one on earth can predict the success or failure of QB prospects. It is the hardest position to play in sports and there seems to be too many variables that affect the success of players. Thus it makes for endless conversation among NFL fans. We just need to keep looking...
  15. I agree... There was also a play where Brady was between the tackles and intentionally grounded the ball, throwing to the middle of the field where there were no recievers. The commentators mentioned "where was the receiver?" yet no penalty was called. That looked like an obvious penalty to me...
  16. Bill Nye The Science Guy debunking the Hoodie! This is beautiful... Here is the link... http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/bill-belichick-explains-nfl-deflate-gate-words-28464054
  17. I'm not sure that it is very obvious unless you are comparing two footballs side by side or have a highly tuned sense of the grip such as a QB would have. I'm would think that the officials are thinking about everything else on the field but this.
  18. Very interesting read….Now we all know why the Patriots so rarely fumble. This analysis should move up from blog level to the national sports shows as a point of discussion. The onion is being peeled and the core is rotten.
  19. A fine means nothing. The only penalty that they would care about is something that put them at a competitive disadvantage in the future. Multiple, high round draft picks should be taken from them and don't allow their salary cap to rise when it increases for the rest of the league. May their legacy be forever tarnished.
  20. Does anyone know anything about Bo Levi Mitchell who has done well playing for Calgary in the CFL? His stats look good. I have no idea if that translates to the NFL though. I think Jeff Garcia made it to the NFL through the CFL.
  21. It was really a great story. I was captivated by the story for a bit before I thought to post. It focused on the relationship between him and his physically disabled sister who has never been able to walk. He's hoping his performance this year can earn him a contract so he can build a home where his sister can move freely in while in her wheelchair. I will be rooting for him all year.
  22. I think this is an interesting and somewhat relevant comparison - especially considering Kelly's greater experience. The fact is that none of us know how EJs career will pan out. As an optimist, I'm hoping for the best. He has lots of great qualities for a successful QB. Sometimes, I think people forget that performing as an NFL QB is the most difficult job in all of sports. At this stage, he is still a very young prospect who is learning how to play the position. Patience is what is needed........
  23. Gailey seems to be the opposite mindset from Jauron. I remember Jauron's press conferences stating how it is hard to win in the NFL and if you make mistakes you loose. With Jauron's mindset, if you don't play a perfect game you likely loose. I love it that Chan comes along with the mind set of expecting to win. The No Names listen to him and amazingly, with smart coaching, they are winning! Winning breeds confidence with higher expectations and personal accountability. If they keep winning like this, he'll be on the short list for Coach of the Year.
  24. I too love the emphasis on building a dominant defense through tough, aggressive players. This team needs an identity and if this draft is successful, it looks like they will develop into a nasty defensive team. The plan appears to be to first fix the defense and then bring in our future franchise QB. From what I've seen so far, next years QB class looks to have some promising options with more of them playing in college pro style offenses than this years group.
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