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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. Wow. That was a fast release. Chiefs must be confident of the facts. These types always seem to be repeat offenders. When you draft physical abusers, it’s a time bomb. Update: while it is fake news at this time, if true, they will have to release him. Physical abusers are a red flag that you don’t draft.
  2. That’s easy - Jim Kelly. He was the leader of the best years of the team.
  3. I’m not banking on Duke Williams. I could see him being practice squad player. Camp will be fun to watch this year. Lots of competition at most positions.
  4. With all the recent signings, I don’t see 10 draft picks making the team so I think they are going to be wheeling and dealing moving up where needed to get the guy they want. TE, DT and big WR are biggest needs with depth picks elsewhere.
  5. Can’t wait to see who they pick in the draft. This team is getting a huge make-over. Hopefully McD can bring them together to play as one team. It may take a bit of time for the chemistry of the various units to gel.
  6. Sign me up! Upon further review, I’ll take Clowney as long as we get/keep a 1st rd pick. He’s 26 and should have several productive years left.
  7. I’m concerned we’d get a Mario Williams performance out of Clowney. I think I’d rather draft a young and hungry DT at 9.
  8. 50 million through 2021 is a lot of $ to pay a drama filled me-first receiver who is older than 30. Let’s build through the draft with players who want to be here. I don’t think he sees another Super Bowl in his career. I have a feeling the Josh Allen is probably relieved that he won’t have to deal with the drama from AB.
  9. The two idiots on ESPN radio last night described the Bills as the worst destination for a player. A desolate outpost that no one would ever want to go to, with no quarterback. They are morons that sadly continue to push that narrative. Winning is the way to overcome it all though.
  10. AB Mr Big Chest wants to become Mr Big Checks. At this point he cares more about himself than the team concept. I just want the Bills to beat whatever team he lands on. At least we don’t have to deal with the drama he brings.
  11. I’m not sold on Metcalf. I hope they go elite line talent on either side or trade down for Hock or Fant. Butler in the 2nd would be a nice target also. Metcalf looks like he has been pumped up with roids. Looks like he has no flexibility and is prone to muscle tears. Just my $0.02.
  12. "He also has been seen dining at Tiger Woods’ restaurant, The Woods Jupiter." or maybe the bigger name is Tiger.?
  13. For skill position players on offense, I’d love to see them draft a great TE who can be a factor in run blocking, pass blocking and a real receiving threat. A player like that is a factor in all phases of the offense, compared to a receiver. We all thought Clay would be a dominant TE but he hasn’t been. Surely Dabol knows the flexibility a great TE could give to his offense. Receivers also are on the shopping list but I’d rate them as a somewhat lesser need.
  14. Lots of good comments in this thread. This is my theory... While organized conspiracy is probably too much to call it, I do believe the NFL officials are aware of marketing and league interests and those views color or flavor when the whistle is blown. QBs are the product the NFL likes to market and protect. They are the stars. Brady and Belichick are both GOATs and officials call the game with that in their mind. The NFL also wants a good story. Good vs evil, legends made, some controversy, etc. all to keep the ratings up. None of this has really held the Bills back, as frustrating as it is to watch, because we have never been able to find the answer at QB. Thus, we have generally been mediocre at best. I am hopeful that if JA proves to be a good QB, that he may become a marketable face of the NFL in the new generation of young guns. He has unique skills that not many QBs have that are marketable. He is developing great highlight film material. If Josh proves to be good enough, the calls may start to go the Bills way in the future. Hopefully, it all leads to team success.
  15. I have never seen a questionable call go against New England at a critical point in a game. Just sayin...
  16. Horrible game. Worst halftime show ever.
  17. It’s the end game. Thanos won - collecting rings.
  18. The way this is going, the final score may be 3-0.
  19. TJ & Butler would definitely give Josh some weapons on offense. I like it if we can fix the line in free agency.
  20. This is all part of the Belichick mystique. Where are the great coaches from his tree? As great as Belichick is, he wouldn’t have the status without Brady. There’s only one TB in the world. I’m not saying the Belichick isn’t a great coach. He is. But Brady is winning the games by making the reads and the plays.
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