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Posts posted by Andy1

  1. I’m in a vehicle for about 2.5 hours a day so I listen to NPR or various podcasts like The Bukwark, Ted Talks, Michael Steele, Buffalo Plus, Locked On Bills, Post Reports, The Economist and various ones on science or geography topics. I watch local TV news and PBS evening news. Cable news is often lacking since they often don’t take the time to explain complex issues or they keep hammering the same story to death. I like 60 Minutes in depth reporting on Sundays. I usually do an X check each day and check news.google a few times a week and talk about bigger events with friends who are all over the political spectrum. 

    This is a good thread giving me some sources to check out.

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  2. The banking institutions are telling all of us what they think of Don the con. There is a reason why they won’t lend him money. 
    His former closest coworkers, his cabinet members and VP are telling us what they think of him when they refuse to endorse him.

    No one would hire a guy like this anywhere for any job. He treats people like crap.
    If you knew a guy like this in your life, you would think he is an ass.

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  3. WTH… This move by Israel is not consistent with seeking a peaceful two state resolution. Justice has mentioned this before. 

    Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken visit

    Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers (3.8 square miles) of Palestinian territory in the West Bank on Friday. The move marks the single largest land seizure by the Israeli government since the 1993 Oslo accords, according to Peace Now, a settlement watchdog group.



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  4. 13 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    There were cases of horrible treatment of the police on 1/6.  

    What I have found most interesting is how quickly the Dems/libs in Washington became pro-blue when they had concerns for their safety, v how they demonize law enforcement when it comes to your community or mine.  

    Michael Brown comes to mind, where a guy physically assaults a police officer in an attempt to secure his weapon, and becomes a martyr for the liberal cause.  I’d bet many, many law enforcement officials would have appreciated expressions of concern from some of our brave elected officials who found themselves cowering in fear praying some version of law enforcement would come to save them. 

    I have often thought about this too and agree. Libs in some states went too far in the wrong direction on the whole reforming/defunding police issue. Everyone wants police to keep them safe. Some just want them to do a very difficult job better. Response to issues like this seem to swing on a pendulum rather than find common sense in the center. 

    On the other side of the coin, republicans have traditionally been pro law enforcement, yet many seem to minimize or ignore the abuse and assault on the police that day. Trump is honoring those criminals like they are some sort of heros. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Justice said:

    God blessed you all with a brain and some of you are actually intelligent but all logic goes out the window when it comes to the tax dollar vultures. 

    Question that I know you all won’t answer but maybe you’ll ponder in privacy is this. You all heard the total of deaths on 10/7 and you heard all of them being attributed to Hamas but what you never heard, not even once, is how many were actually friendly fire. Why is that? Marinate on that for a while. 

    Death from friendly fire is almost impossible for any nation to admit, especially while the war is ongoing. It happens in every war. Statistics are usually released years later. 

  6. 9 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Sometimes it's helpful to remember the old adages:


    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can really offend me."


    Good for you, Andy, for standing up for those voters, uh, bullied in some way, um, by the use of a word that, uh, is used frequently without offense, in a non-bullying fashion to um, describe an  economic outcome.  




    Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I misunderstood the guy who quotes Hitler. Why would anyone ever think he would be using bloodbath in a violent context? Of course, “bloodbath for the country” must mean bloodbath for the auto industry. 

    For a guy who knows “all the best words”, he sure has a hard time communicating. Almost like he has a mental disability or something. 

  7. Left and Right live in two different media worlds and received different information about how to respond to Covid. The disease exploded in Dem states NY, NJ & CT. Whatever controls the Dem states tried to limit spread must be bad so the right wing media decided that Republicans were the pro freedom, anti restrictions party. The rate of spread in densely populated urban areas was different than in rural areas. Hospitals in cities were overwhelmed, hospital staff were crushed with patients and bodies were stacked in the refrigerator trucks.

    Rural republicans felt that it was a city problem and it wasn’t going to affect them. Stories minimizing COVID severity and vax myths were the nightly images shown to the eyeballs of Fox viewers. By the time the disease slammed into red counties, people had already decided what side of the Covid response they were on. The dumbest thing was Republicans thinking they must be against whatever dems believe, so a good Trump republican was on the team of antivax, anti mask, ignore public health warnings, do whatever you want and live free. Public health policy was politicized. The sad part is all the people who died unnecessarily, believing the lies and misinformation they were fed by right wing media. Fox made their money spewing lies while Tucker and the rest of them were vaxed and protected. No one is cheering for deaths in red counties. It’s just what happened. 

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  8. In have no opinion on the ban but find it interesting that this is the first issue in forever that is not defined by partisan politics. Legislators actually have to think about it instead of going with the default party position. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 6 hours ago, Justice said:

    It’s back to 1400 again huh? No mention of Israel killing many of the actual number. Ah yes. You’re a good dog. 

    22 hours ago, Andy1 said:

    The reporter in the Aljazeera video you posted above acknowledges that a “very significant majority of the casualties” were the result of Hamas actions that day. Are you saying that all the casualties were from Israel firing on or otherwise killing their own people? 

    Did I say that????!???!?

    Easy now. I was only asking for clarification on your perspective since you seem to assign more blame on Israel for what happened that day than to Hamas. I know you condemn Hamas. You have also emphasized there was no mass rape and Israel killed their own people. Some Israelis dying from friendly fire is probably likely, but that was not the main cause of deaths. The UN found evidence of many rapes, gang rapes etc. I have seen no evidence to indicate those reports were false. 

    If your position is Hamas is responsible for the vast majority of the deaths, the kidnapping and probably a lot of other horrible actions that day, we each view it about the same way. Netanyahu seems like an idiot for his actions and inaction leading up to that day. Maybe he had some sick wish for an attack to occur, I don’t know. Sadly, the result of the attack and war is what the extremists on both sides want. 


  10. On 3/11/2024 at 1:53 PM, Justice said:

    You can take your 1400, 1300, 1200… whatever the ***** the number is today and shove it up your ass! I told you morons from day 1 they killed their own on the 7th! Ain’t no babies in ovens… ain’t no mass rapes! Lies lies lies. 

    The reporter in the Aljazeera video you posted above acknowledges that a “very significant majority of the casualties” were the result of Hamas actions that day. Are you saying that all the casualties were from Israel firing on or otherwise killing their own people? 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Governor said:

    Really the biggest one is Privatization via the funneling of tax payer dollars into private hands.

    1000% right! First step is to cripple agencies and convince Americans that everything is horrible and government can’t function. Then create the dream that all problems are solved once the function of the agency is in private hands. There are now proposals to privatize the role of the TSA. 

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