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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. I’m hoping Cinci crushes KC and then loses heartbreaker to Eagles.
  2. The Bills have no creativity on offense or defense. Teams know what we are doing on each side of the ball. That is a coaching scheme problem. When you get to the playoffs, good teams can exploit that and plan against it.
  3. Our offensive talent has withered while Bean has put massive resources into the defense. Dorsey also looks like he is in over his head. He didn’t dial up anything new on offense for this game. There is no misdirection, no quick pass game, no power run sweeps with Josh, no deception, screens, no play calls that set up other plays. Our offense is just vanilla and hope for Josh to make an incredible play. So disappointing from a game plan perspective.
  4. I know we all want to talk about what’s wrong with this team, but a large part of me says the Bills won big this season, just knowing Hamlin will be able to live a normal life some day. That win is bigger than any game. It’s not all bad this year. Ok, now we can all go back to bitchin about the team.
  5. Cinci was better. I’m rooting for them to go all the way. I hope they crush the Chiefs.
  6. Dorsey isn’t bringing anything new to this game. Looks like he has no plays we haven’t seen.
  7. Our O line better step up or start looking for a new team. Bean needs to fix it this off season.
  8. Huntley is a mess with his passing mechanics
  9. Bengals punter with an intentional flop there. Hate that crap.
  10. Too far from the goal line and Huntley is too small for that move.
  11. This style of this season seems to be the Bills winning ugly. They just might win the SB playing ugly and we’d all say they just can’t put it all together.
  12. We got the win and seemed to avoid major injury. That’s all that matters.
  13. You are what your record says you are. They are 14-3. That is good. They are a hard team to beat.
  14. We got him to defend speed receivers. He did well today.
  15. For a solution, my simple brain thinks,… Prior to a change in Presidential administrations, the National Archives should send letter to President/ VP with copy sent to relevant committee(s) in Congress notifying them of the missing documents that must be returned. Shed daylight on the issue to coerce the administration to find/return the docs or they know they will be investigated. There needs to be a check on executive privilege.
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