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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. If masks don’t work, why did medical staff treating Covid patients in all countries wear and continue to wear masks? Are they all dumb? Masks have always been a standard practice in medicine to reduce infection risk. Go work in a Covid ward without a mask if you believe masks don’t matter.
  2. I’m not a fan of the idea of a live Buffalo at the games. Buffalo are wild animals and have no place inside a stadium of 70,000 screaming fans. Never needed one before, don’t need one now.
  3. Well Cowherd has Bills ranked 4th in AFC behind Chiefs, Bengals and Chargers.
  4. I wonder the same… or if they feel they have to say it because it’s the party line and those who do not talk the party line are ostracized from their group (cult). “Believing it”, even when they know it’s false, allows them to rationalize J6 and everything else. It would make an interesting psychology study.
  5. And 75% are delusional, unable to discern fact from fiction.
  6. Tucker should realize this is a great opportunity for his career advancement. He can reach a whole new audience who will love him. He can tell the exciting story of rescuing Ukraine and saving the children from the Nazis. I’m sure Vlad would pay well.
  7. 6’ 3”, 230 lbs. Another big player to make our offense more physical. Bean is following the characteristics he looked for in the draft as he remake this offense.
  8. Chris - this is a myth pushed by the gun lobby. The majority of gun homicides are not gang related. Do you have any recent data on this? The most recent data I can find is: The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States (www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-1). These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually. https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/survey-analysis/measuring-the-extent-of-gang-problems
  9. Regarding the 79 yr old shooting and killing his leaf blowing neighbor: “Once again, easy access to firearms has turned a dispute into a deadly crime,” Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart said of Martys’ murder. “We will support the victims and seek justice in the court rooms.” In all of the recent, high-profile incidents, the assailants shot a victim over a harmless mistake or a trivial everyday occurrence. https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/illinois-man-ettore-lacchei-accused-of-shooting-neighbor-dead-for-using-a-leaf-blower/ Another senseless killing by a person who was probably not a career criminal, but who owned a gun and in a moment of rage chose the gun as the solution.
  10. I’m waiting to hear how this idiot got his gun. He doesn’t exactly look like a hard core criminal who would get a gun on the black market.
  11. Access to guns extinguishes rights to life weather by murder or suicide. Presumably, the families and friends of the 7,920 people lost to gun suicide wish that their loved one didn’t have access to the weapon that ended their life. More guns, more open carry, more stand your ground laws, etc equals more danger to all (owner as well as others) in society.
  12. To date this year 13,825 people have had their rights extinguished due to gun violence. Meanwhile, guns have been used defensively in a reported 354 incidents. From a rights perspective, it’s not even close when considering who is taking whose rights away. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org
  13. If guns keep people safe, I wouldn’t think anyone would get murdered in Texas.
  14. Once again, Bean is choosing picks to make this offense bigger and more physical. This might be a great pick if he can refine his game. Gabe replacement if needed.
  15. The Bills needed to get bigger and more physical on offense. After 2 rounds, Bean is getting it done.
  16. One of the beautiful things about this pick is that with every 1st down and TD Kincaid gets, I will be smiling knowing that we robbed him from Dallas. 😁
  17. Glad we got a guy with great hands as a weapon for Josh. The offense will need to evolve to make the most of this pick. I’m so glad we didn’t get a Smurf receiver. We needed to get bigger and more physical on offense. He also fits as a player who will work when the snow flies.
  18. In 10 years, all this anti trans stuff will look even more ridiculous than it does today. It will be like looking back at all the protests over gay marriage. Today, no one cares about it anymore. Gen Z is coming and views all this as stupid.
  19. Teaching the whole truth does not mean America is an evil place. It just means that we are a nation founded on ideals that we haven’t always lived up to in the actions of those who came before us. Working towards achieving those ideals is an ongoing process. It’s what makes America exceptional.
  20. No one silenced Tucker. His employer made a business decision based upon his actions.
  21. A part of me is really hoping somehow Bean figures a way to draft Washington. We need a big physical mismatch type player on offense. He’d also be a great help in run blocking too.
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