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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/10/ontario-canada-doug-for-electricity-surcharge/82221829007/ So Ontario is now implementing their 25% surcharge on electricity going to NY, MN and MI. I guess this is what winning looks like. I’m sure MAGA likes higher electricity bills.
  2. No serious economist or politician believes these tariffs are a good thing for the economy. The tariffs are all an exercise to feed the ego of an insecure idiot. He is a six year old screaming tariffs for attention as the rest of America tries to figure out how to manage in the midst of the chaos.
  3. Exactly. Who knew that MAGA and Trump cared so much about drug addicts? They care so much that they want everyone else in America to pay more to live just so addicts have a tougher time finding their drugs. What a novel and innovative approach to the drug war!
  4. Interesting points in this thread. AI may be replacing some jobs. Others could be the Musk idiot chainsaw method. At some point agencies do less with less. NOAA provides an incredible amount of important data used by all sectors of society. Farmers, wild land fire fighters, airlines, mariners, states and local communities, scientists, etc. all depend on weather data. All the data and forecasts allow everyone to do their jobs more efficiently. Republicans probably want to replace some of NOAAs fuctions with private sector, pay for the data if you want it.
  5. Says she lives in, not that she owns it. Maybe the church owns it. A lot of property under old ownership gets valuable over time.
  6. The only thing I’ve heard Trump talk about is reducing the amount of fentanyl coming into the USA from Canada. I’m sure there are probably some illegal migration across the border as there has been for my entire life. Whatever the issues are with the northern border, they are tiny compared to the southern border. This is all BS and if you believe it you’re dumb. We are now at 4% unemployment rate which is historically low. So if all this manufacturing returns to the USA, who is going to work at these jobs? Do your kids dream of working in a factory? The labor won’t be the immigrants now. Are corporation CEOs going to make a long term decision to move a manufacturing plant into America based on the stupid policies of a lame duck president? The next President may restore free trade agreements leaving that company in the wrong location. Americans like cheap affordable products. That’s why we are a consumer society. Trump refers to the great 1800s when talking about how wonderful tariffs are. Someone needs to tell him the world has changed alot since then. This is like some communist dictator with a personal fantasy trying to return their society to its agrarian roots. If we don’t buy products from other nations, those nations can also buy the products they get from America from other nations too…. Like China. Americans get to pay more to live. Prices go up again. Prices for other stuff goes up too… just because….like happened after Covid. Once prices go up, they never go down. Working class just gets beaten into submission to pay more to live. The only politician in America who thinks this is a good idea is brain dead Trump. China and Russia are celebrating as we become weaker. Yay!
  7. Well Canada has now responded with 25% tariffs on imports from America. Are supporters of the orange idiot happy now? Tariffs will be coming on pharmaceutical drugs too. The sick must pay more! This is the Trump tax on Americas working class.
  8. Can you please explain what this battle is about? I’m confused. I always thought Canada was our ally.
  9. A mechanic was just on the news saying the tariffs will push the average price of an oil change to over $100. Yay! We are winning now!
  10. I’m still waiting for the MAGA crowd here explain the logic of tariffs on Canada to ostensibly make them reduce the fentanyl coming into America. So all the rest of America has to pay more money to live to help save the lives of drug addicts? This is stupid.
  11. Better stock up on lumber if you build anything. The price of housing will be more expensive.
  12. Here is what Congressional Research Service thinks of the tariffs impact on imported oil from Canada and Mexico. Canada should stop selling us oil at discounted prices. Trump country will pay more for gas. This is really stupid but stupid votes for stupid.
  13. Let them pay more, they like it that way. I walked around Walmart today and the place was filled with low income white Trumpers buying imported products. They voted to pay more and they will.
  14. Reminds me of Grampa Simpson talking to Homer: “When I was your age, I was with it. Then somebody changed IT and now IT isn’t what I’m with.”
  15. Immediately politicizing tragedies happens every time here on PPP! Let’s make a new rule to stop it. Who is signing up for that?
  16. Agree since Fox only has a certain segment of the public, but I’ll add social media as another large scale factor in promoting mistrust.
  17. 20 or 30 years ago, if there was a pandemic, do you think that political affiliation would be a determining factor in how people would have responded to the recommendations by medical experts? I don’t believe so. Operation Warp Speed was actually a great thing that Trump did. Rapid development of the vaccines saved lives. Dems praised the vaccines and had vaccine mandates. Well that automatically meant that republicans had to be against them. It was the perfect us vs them, red vs. blue drama fueled by the polarization of our society caused by our addiction to social media. Media on all sides were happy to play their part to increase viewership and corporate profits. Big pharma obviously also profited but at least they were providing what society needed. Yes, public officials didn’t always model perfect behavior. No one did. But that wasn’t done in pursuit of corporate profits. Fox deliberately and repeatedly spread misinformation and people died. They lied to increase corporate profits, same as they did with Dominion voting machines lies. A relative of mine worked in a hospital and talks of people who refused the vax due to mistrust but when they were sick enough to be in the hospital, they wanted every type of modern medicine and Covid therapy to save their sorry ass. It makes no sense. Vaccines and modern medicine have been a miracle for human society. Trump himself had his life saved due to the new Covid medicines. We can thank many nameless scientists for us not being terrified of small pox, polio, measles etc. Americans have been spoiled into idiocy. We have lived such comfortable, worry free lives for so long that we have forgotten that bad s##t can happen. People don’t even know what these diseases are. Pandemics are real. Viruses continue to mutate, looking for ways to find new hosts. Many choose to believe Joe Rogan and other social media stars over scientists and medical experts. RFK jr will soon be leading health care in America. Measles, polio, diphtheria, smallpox and their friends are celebrating. Maybe Americans need to sacrifice their children to relearn some lessons from the past. On the other hand, I’m all for RFK jr if he can help reduce the obesity rate in America.
  18. Just like all the Fox News talking heads who got vaccinated and then went on the air to spread their lies. Sadly, I knew two people who should be alive today but were convinced by Fox liars to not get vaccinated. They paid the price.
  19. I’m frustrated. We are so close, yet not quite there. At this point, I hope KC wins the SB with the help of some BS calls by the refs to make it plain to everyone how the NFL operates. Hopefully there is declining tv ratings showing the NFL that everyone is tired of their product. Maybe then, the refs will call holding or some other subjective call on the Chiefs, like they do to every other team.
  20. This 100%. When you are playing the best of the best, you have to be prepared for them stopping your core offensive plays. You have to bring something different that the opponent hasn’t seen on film study. KC does this all the time. They have creative offensive and defensive coordinators which is why they are the best and then they run those plays at critical moments of the game. McDermott’s philosophy always seems to be that “this is what we do and are great at, so try to stop us”. And then a real good/great team is prepared and stops it. There never seems to be anything new unleashed in the playoffs.
  21. On the last drive a KC player made a great play knocking our pass down. Credit to the defense. KCs D also was the first to stop Allen in short yardage this year. I wish Brady had an alternate play to run out of our short yardage look. The KC D was ready and able for the Allen sneak all night. When everyone knows and expects the sneak, you need another play. Refs gave the chiefs all the borderline calls, as expected. Kincaid should have caught that last pass. Other than Cook and Mac, the offense was ok but didn’t play great to help out Josh. Looking back, I think they didn’t use Cook enough tonight. He should have gotten the ball in space on some of those short yardage plays. In my mind, that was the difference.
  22. This loss hurts so much less than the others. Maybe I’ve just got so much scar tissue, it doesn’t hurt anymore. In retrospect, our team exceeded expectations this year. This was supposed to be a rebuilding year. Next year Bean has some money to work with and 10 draft picks. I don’t care about the superbowl.
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