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  1. Same here. Hillary will bring out the Republican base simply to vote against her. Rudy's job is 1/2 way done if Democrats nominate Hillary for President in 2008. "It seems Democrats are of two minds with regard to Hillary Clinton running for President in 2008. Some Democrats don't like the idea of her running while other Democrats hate it." - Conan O'Brien-
  2. Hillary Clinton's Unfavorability Rate Among New Yorkers: November 2006 - 29% January 2007 - 33% February 2007 - 40% Source: Siena College Poll Released 02202007 Hillary Clinton is in BIG trouble and it looks like it's going to get worse!
  3. Hillary Clinton is a total fraud. Running for President against an actual New Yorker, whomever that New Yorker is, is suicide for her. Tom Golisano would probably win New York against Hillary. Congratulations, Mrs. Clinton. With Rudy Guilianni running against you, you're reduced back to the carpetbagger that you were in 2000. Expect voters in other states to take notice of your obvious identity-crisis, too!
  4. TO: info@hillaryclinton.com SUBJECT: Rudy Guilianni Is Going To Win New York's 2008 Presidential Electoral Votes! And it's not out of the question, Mrs. Clinton, that Rudy will win the electoral votes of New Jersey and Connecticut. How will you get to 270? You can't!! Republicans will give Rudy Guilianni the 2008 Presidential nomination because if there's one thing Republicans love more than their supposed 'values' it's seeing you get SMOKED in a Presidential election. CYA!
  5. Late-night comedians will roast her every night right after the daytime news networks shred her to bits. This could be fun!
  6. The media is going to fry Hillary. She has a big house in Chappaqua with a lot of closets and a lot of stuff in those closets (metaphor) she doesn't want anyone to know about. The media, I am quite sure, already know enough and were just waiting for Hillary to run for President. Now, they're going to destroy her. Because: She's so easy to hate!
  7. Rules of engagement leave American soldiers gun-shy. It's a commom complaint we hear from them. Marine snipers wish to work alone but military brass say they must work in teams. When they work in teams they easily expose themselves to the enemy. Moreover, we can't tell the difference between the good guys and bad guys because we don't live among them. We need to surreptitiously infiltrate them and kill them one-by-one without making a sound. Not carpet bombing.
  8. The real truth is that we're losing in Iraq because our leaders do not have the balls to turn the insurgents, et al, into ashes. Doesn't matter how many troops we have there.
  9. The GOP will retain the White House in 2008 with a McCain/Rice ticket. They'll easily beat Clinton/Obama. Whether other Republicans can ride the McCain/Rice coattails is unknown at this point, though.
  10. It's likely Big Blue backed in the playoffs with last night's victory against Washington. Next week it's probably either Dallas or Philadelphia away in the first round of the NFC playoffs. CBS is broadcasting the Miami-Indy game today in Albany instead of Buffalo-Baltimore? What? A Jets or New England game over Buffalo I undestand but Miami-Indy? I don't get it!
  11. Two LIers arguing about AFC East teams. Ever hear of the Giants? Guffalo - How did you come to be a Bills fan on LI? There's not that many Bills fans around here in Capitalland. Massapequa. Eat at All-America Burger - munchies at the Dairy Barn - drinking at McCanns.
  12. Buffalo - 28 San Diego - 17
  13. "There's no 'there' there." -Democratic Mantra- And four (4) weeks is way too much time on the clock.
  14. I don't know, Bills fans. This is looking like the Democrats overreacting again like, when was it, in 2002 in Minnesota, and they ended up shooting themselves in the foot - big time! Mondale (D) lost to Coleman ®.
  15. Do Democrats actually think that this is going to last until the election in four (4) weeks? And that this is an issue that voters vote on? Foley did resign, didn't he?
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