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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. The slug petition really worked Forget the unis, Ralph needs to pay up and make this team a contender again!
  2. How did ol St Nick fare against the rest of the division?
  3. How about this for an angle? Why is Nick Saban leaving such a dark day for the Dolphins? Granted I think it is hilarious and I love seeing the Dolphins suffer..but what did Nick Saban prove at the NFL level to warrant such high praise from idiots like Colin Cownerd??? What did Saban do as an NFL coach that was any different then what MM did??? I WISH Saban stayed in Miami!
  4. I know plenty of Eagles fans from the Philly area that do not fit the descriptions mentioned above. Granted, listening to WIP 610 for more then 2 hours can drive one to drink....but there are not Bills fans that fit these labels too? I think Buffalo fans really hate Philly fans so much because sometimes it is like looking in the mirror
  5. The Philadelphia Eagles and here is why: Philadelphia football fans and Buffalo football fans share more similarities then one might think. Both cities are extremely passionate about their teams. Both teams are starving for a championship. Both sets of fans have some obnixius fans who give other fans a bad name. I would like to see a team like Philadelphia win one. Plus I respect Andy Reid.
  6. I think Betts signed a 5 year deal with the Skins, no?
  7. Then if MM hired Killdrive as an OC or Assistant HC then that would put the cherry on top of the sundae!
  8. State fan here too JSP...I believe Connor is a Junior (I could be wrong though)....heck why not draft both 2 straight years?
  9. Could not agree more. i cannot stop laughing at the Fins fans who were saying this division is over for years now tht Saban is in town!!! LOL!!!!!!!!
  10. Over/Under on different threads started here as soon as Nick make the announcement because of the "look at me, I was the first to post this" mentality is set at 3 1/2
  11. Watched the entire PSU/UT game yesterday and for that matter the entire Nittany Lion career of Paul Posluszny, I would LOVE to see this guy in a Bills uniform come April. Having said that, I leave this to some better experts here on the board: 1. What do you think of Posluszny fitting in the Cover 2 scheme? Too small? 2. How high is Posluszny on the draft boards? 3. With Fletcher most likely leaving, and considering Paul Posluszny's speed, I think he would be a great fit and a fan favorite for years to come.
  12. Or a Wonderlic test....
  13. I remember it when it happened...but when exactly was it? Happened with TH and Drew as well... Seems that the curse might be real!
  14. F for you for quoting a long item and giving a 1 letter response
  15. Did Jason have dinner with Tiki?
  16. Pretty good read about Penn State's upset over Miami: PSU BEANO COOK, COLLEGE FOOTBALL HISTORIAN: "Penn State had less firepower than Sweden did in World War II."
  17. USC BIG...love seeing that!!!!! Now Florida needs to win to make it all complete!!!
  18. The silence from the Big Blue "faithful" says enough
  19. My whole thing is this: If this happened to a NBA player, without knowing the facts...I bet most here would automatically assume that player had it coming to him.... But with a NFL player, the standards are different. THAT is the issue I have. Did Darrent Williams have it coming to him? Who knows.... In a way I sort of do and here is why: When there are people out there who will just ramdonly do a drive buy shooting, that is downright scary
  20. I agree...my resolutions are usually done right after the booze wears off As for the positives I agree..there are some...there is some light at the end of the tunnel.... but if this team does not bring back NC and LFB...the same crap cycle will begin all over again. It is time for the Bills to show the fans, the other players, and the league that they can keep their core players and are serious about winning.
  21. And like you and so many others know so much when you label a NBA player a thug as well? Please.
  22. Deep sympathies to those at CNN.
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