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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. Madden 2007 music going in the background as this post was created.............
  2. Yes. I cannot ask a question? This board needs to lighten up.
  3. Good analysis, and based on this, why not just keep WM and then look for another RB next year...I doubt the market will run dry next year...so WM will have his big year, have another kid in WNY, get his $ from another team, we make the playoffs, and we replace WM with a comporable RB.
  4. Its over. We are doomed. Cash to Cap will do us in. Thomas Jones...Ive heard of him. Marv, why did we not make this deal? (Just making the contractually obligated negative post of the day)
  5. How does it hurt the losing team? Simple...the team that Florida loses to...for example, "earns" another point otherwise they would have not received in the 1st place. So I take it you like shootouts in soccer? And ties worked in the NHL for over 75 years, I guess it was not that bad
  6. I'm not blaming the team, I am blaming on teams fate being determined by a 'gimmick' or a skills competition....they play 65 minutes to the max and then have shootouts...I do not like PK's in soccer either...similar concept. Under the current system, yes, you have to have a decent shootout record or it can hurt you...but I just do not like it.
  7. Ok, I gave the shootout a chance as a fan...and my 2 cents say it is time to get rid of the shootout. Go back to the old system. The skills competiton is hurting teams from making/contending for the playoffs. Consider Florida and Boston, who are on both sides of this now: Florida is 1-7 is shootouts and are 6 points out....Boston is 8-3, 4 points out of the playoffs and I predict will get the 8th seed (3 games in hand with Carolina) Both are alive/hurt for different reasons because of the skills competition. Note that Edmonton qualified for the playoffs over the Canucks last year BECAUSE of the shootout.
  8. Goes to show all you care about is seeing the GOP's fight and not the issues of this country. You are a prime example of someone who will never be happy, and your main objective is to see others fail. This is why I do not like either party, I might vote Republican and that is a big might, but ill slit my throat before ever voting for a democrat again. Politics is a joke and you are a prime example why.
  9. Can all Bills related signings/departures be pinned at the top of the page?
  10. Damn!!! Must admit great job by the Bills with this signing! Eases the blow of losing NC a bit
  11. Wow!! Did not see this thread till now.......This would be a very solid move!
  12. Especially with this franchise
  13. It is not funny. It is a pipedream.
  14. Leaving Buffalo means he does NOT want to win.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Do not read so much into my comment.. I am not doom and gloom on every move the Bills make.. It is just frustrating that Clements will no longer be with the Bills, and that is all. It is frustrating that we will see lots of $ under the cap because the cap is escalating at a faster rate which will hurt teams like ours in the long run. Will Marv make other moves to help the team? I'm sure he will. I am not saying the off-season is a failure already, not by any stretch. I just wanted to see the Bills keep Clements and Fletcher and maybe add another piece and have a good draft.
  16. You are right. I have been stupid for spending thousands of $ on tickets, jerseys, flights etc to watch this team since 1981. And I will probably continue to do so in the future. Thanks for your well-thought out reply, man that hurt.
  17. Denver: The team with no cap.
  18. Translation: They want to be blind sheep and not think for themselves and have the 'honest government' handle their money...you know, people such as yourself.
  19. The rich get richer and teams like Buffalo get poorer. Sad.
  20. I hope a lot fo you realize the Buffalo Bills will have to become like the Oakland A's of MLB now with the cap accelarating at a faster rate year by year.
  21. Like most of the show?
  22. I need an explanation as to how every year (as so it seems) that the Denver Broncos and the Washington Redskins are almost ALWAYS in the mix on almost every high priced FA?? How do these teams, who spend a boatload of cash, always seem to have enough room to fit high level players??? Im confused...
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