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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. Yes you know who you are...sucking up to the cheating regime...checkdown city, ruining the NFL one 8 yard Wes Welker pass at a time with Big Brother watching the every move of the other teams..I hope these Bills fans turned to the Pats* are ok... Now having said this, if a Bills fan does NOT root for the Steelers this Sunday, examine your fandom and switch teams please...
  2. Ironic you say this...Edwin M. Anzalone (f this Fireman Ed crap, he is Edwin) WAS A COWBOYS AND A DOLPHINS fan BEFORE rooting for the Jets. Simply he is a FRAUD
  3. I voted no. I put down the kool aid for these signature wins over Cincy, Detroit and Cleveland. You know, maybe Ralph is a genius after all.
  4. Tremendous analysis as always R!!! :thumbsup: Where else will you get in depth breakdowns like this? I really was interested in what you wrote about Poz as we are in the same boat: Both like Penn State and was really fired up when we drafted a LB from our favorite team, but you are dead on, we have to put down the kool-aid and call it like we see it. He is pretty poor in coverage for sure.
  5. So I guess based on that logic, you would be ok if the Bills moved to Toronto?
  6. First off, that was almost 20 years ago, the dynamic of the NFL has changed so drastically. LA would support a team with ease this day in age. Plus you know what NFL would rather move the Chargers at this point. From a divisional standpoint, its the easiest move, just rename the Chargers and keep them in the AFC West.
  7. “If at any time before or after matriculation in a member institution a student-athlete or any member of his/her family receives or agrees to receive, directly or indirectly, any aid or assistance beyond or in addition to that permitted by the Bylaws of this Conference (except such aid or assistance as such student-athlete may receive from those persons on whom the student is naturally or legally dependent for support), such student-athlete shall be ineligible for competition in any intercollegiate sport within the Conference for the remainder of his/her college career.” SEC rulebook.. It's hard for the good ol boys network to follow their own rules. Auburn is a fraud, and will ALWAYS have an * next to anything they do this year IMO.
  8. San Diego to me will make the most sense for the 'moving an existing team to LA' way to get a team there. No division realignment necessary, no need to change the team nickname or anything. And also, reading this makes me think the wheels might be in motion already: My link
  9. Or had a schedule like Tampa does
  10. I really think since the NFL changed how the schedules are done (predetermined team matchups in advance) it has created some serious imbalance in regards to the schedule....I am not sure the Bill Parcells quote (why does he get so much credit for saying 'You are what your record says, like he is Confucius or something, its quite hilarious) applies as much as it used to. There are always exceptions, and in this case its pretty clear.
  11. Fact: Of the 9 losses by the Buffalo Bills, the combined records of those teams is a staggering 67-31 (.683 Winning Percentage) and 5 of those games the Bills have lost by 3 points, and 3 of those games in OT. All 9 losses are to teams currently with winning records. Simply, this schedule has not done us any favors either, even with the Bills shortcomings on defense and in other aspects. Take one team as an example: Tampa Bay is 7-4, Raheem Morris is getting tons of credit, but look further: The Bucs have the same amount of wins vs teams that are .500 or better then the Buffalo Bills: 0 So if the Bills had Tampa's schedule, would Gailey be up for Coach Of The Year with a 7-4 record? I say there is a better chance of that happening then 1 might think. I think i can say with a lot of confidence that the Bills right now as as good if not better then several teams: Carolina Cincinnati Detroit Seattle Arizona St. Louis Denver Tampa Bay San Francisco Any more did I miss? The list might be larger then even this... Thoughts?
  12. I agree with the original poster. Another thing somewhat unrelated as to WHY Chan throws a lot, is the lack of a threat at the TE position in the offense really, REALLY hurts this team in those situations. If I am Nix and Co, I am making the Front 7 and a pass catching TE the absolute top priorities come the off-season.
  13. I agree with this 100 percent, and I am not shocked. When dealing with the good ol boys of the Sec, or the Boring 10, or another 'power' conferences, NEVER undere$timate their powers. College football: The Fraud Continues.
  14. That is the phone call that was probably received by Saban from the 'powers that be' or bowl committees that support SEC football in the deep South. Believe me. That was no accident.
  15. What I love about this post is that it encompasses many of the thoughts I have about Fitz...yes, great numbers....yes, 18 TD....yes, better then we have had around here for quite some time...but no, bad: still accuracy issues...bad INT's every game....perfectly summed up R!
  16. So many of you here complain about this guy, but yet he is making some big $ and someone has to be listening to him....probably a lot of you. I do listen to him occasionally, and quite honestly I'm pretty jealous about what he does for a living.
  18. San Diego should be all over this one.
  19. Keep living in denial. Ralph is horrendous and so are his cronies. They ALL NEED TO GO ONE WAY OR ANOTHER
  20. I mean yeah he is part of the problem but just a start
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