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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. This is not a matter of IF it will happen....it WILL happen....give us your best guess!!!
  2. Wow, W gets blamed for everything by libs. Even the NBA!!
  3. Good point, but I do remember the Pats were probably pretty motivated to avenge that 31-0 defeat the Bills game them in Week #1...they were looking for payback. Again, doubtful that we will beat the Pats, but the Bills should be much better this year, and being at home, maybe bad weather, etc...maybe somehow we can eek out a W.
  4. Here is something that we have not factored in: The last game at home vs the Pats*, say the Pats have the division wrapped up (hopefully not)...it is NOT impossible to think the Bills might be able to steal that game. Bottom line: Minimum 3-3 in the division, which leaves us to go 6-4, 7-3 out of conference and hope we can sneak in with 9 wins or 10 wins should do the trick. I really wish the Bills played the Jets right away, I know it will take them some time to develop chemistry.
  5. Agreed. Plus his screename is a mess, looks like he made that when he was loaded too
  6. No, they are a big market who has $pent plenty of $ and made some pretty poor decisions (Overbay, Thomas, Burnett are disappointments just to name a few). They need to develop some offense from within.
  7. I have been participating in Fantasy Football leagues since 1988 and I can say while the popularity of it is kind of cool, to me the exposure and emphasis that fans put on it is too much anymore. Go to a bookstore, there are so many books for fantasy football it is dizzying. And now you have these people who would never talk NFL years ago, all of the sudden more worried about the yards Joseph Addai gets against the Texans more then the sport of football itself. Seems that there are more comments like "please make this kick so I can get to 5-5 in my fantasy football league" and stressing over that against their OWN favorite team mind you, rather then just enjoying the games themselves. Has fantasy football become too much?? I somewhat compare Fantasy Football to Texas Hold 'Em Poker: When the events were on once in awhile, it was cool, a novelty and interesting: Now there are 5000 satellite tourneys on it seems, and to me MORE can be LESS, and I think that is starting to happen with Fantasy Football. Discuss.
  8. For those who are behind a firewall at work, what is the actual prediction?
  10. I find it kind of funny how you mention gang violence when you live as CLOSE to Philly as I do to LA (I am 25 miles from LA), and if my memory stands to be correct, Philly has a big gang problem too, no? And believe you me, illegal immigration will be a bigger problem everywhere, NOT just LA. And Philly Police are that much better? Please elaborate. Ive been here 2 years, let's take a early running total: Earthquakes: 1 Floods: 0 Wildfires in the part of CA I live in: 0 Landslides: 0 Smog: Well, I am far enough away from where it is bad I did take a shower this morning and still have more water left, amazingly enough Blackouts: Zero For the record, I was born and raised in NJ, and I love that area, and I like a lot of things that the Philly area has to offer as well. I guess I am just not in the 'painting an entire area with a broad brush' like you and others might be.
  11. Like the Weather Channel DYING for that Cat 5 Hurricane...news media outlets are sick, twisted individuals.
  12. Good to hear you are ok LA...I was in South Bay but that was my 1st one ever so I admit it was fun but also frazzled me a bit
  13. We all know what ESPN is doing...just tell us your beloved Boston will win this 'award' and end the stroke fest already
  14. The words "NFL Corporate Schill" or "Snyder's Beyotch" come to mind when reading this idiot's opinions.
  15. Excuse me mr know it all...geesh
  16. This signing is important, no just for the fact Miller is a very good goalie, but it will also give the team a boost that hey, they CAN extend players and maybe that will trickle down to Pomer and the Sabres are finally showing that they have changed their ways after what happened with Drury and Briere. Plus, other players and agents do take notice, trust on that. Good job Darcy, Larry and Golisano.
  17. Maybe that is where they put fans when they are bad, like putting a child in the corner?
  18. Not nearly as severe as what Marshawn did, but I tend to agree.
  19. I was thinking more RJ, but I get what you are saying
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