I find it kind of funny how you mention gang violence when you live as CLOSE to Philly as I do to LA (I am 25 miles from LA), and if my memory stands to be correct, Philly has a big gang problem too, no? And believe you me, illegal immigration will be a bigger problem everywhere, NOT just LA. And Philly Police are that much better? Please elaborate.
Ive been here 2 years, let's take a early running total:
Earthquakes: 1
Floods: 0
Wildfires in the part of CA I live in: 0
Landslides: 0
Smog: Well, I am far enough away from where it is bad
I did take a shower this morning and still have more water left, amazingly enough
Blackouts: Zero
For the record, I was born and raised in NJ, and I love that area, and I like a lot of things that the Philly area has to offer as well. I guess I am just not in the 'painting an entire area with a broad brush' like you and others might be.