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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. He is now making Rangers fans lives a misery.
  2. Can the Bucks be nice to its fellow Big 10 compadre and let us go to the title game to lose? GO STATE!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Absolutely, heck of a movie...but if these are aliens...how do they know they have senses like humans do to even think of the idea of hiding in the 1st place? I mean I can not totally dismissing the notion, but to me I find it odd how it is always in remote locations.
  4. How can we even begin to comprehend if they were trying to stay hidden???
  5. How come a UFO never lands or comes around a major city where 'normal' people can 'claim' they saw one?
  6. +1 Now if John Clayton broke this story, it would have its own segment on the ticker. E$PN: Fraud$
  7. Oh well, then I guess He will get a vote for Obama then
  8. I know Harrison is a cheap shot artist and yes karma can be a B word...but based on the reactions of this thread and how we view other fans for cheering injuries...I do not think some Bills fans have any room to talk about other fan bases showing zero class.
  9. I really do feel any Bills fan who voted for rather seeing their guy winning the figurehead position of this country, and since both parties are loaded with $ and do not give a rat's ass about you and me, really needs to have their head examined.
  10. at Miami NY JETS at New England To me I see this as: Go 2-1 and the Bills are a 7-2 team with 5 AFC WINS....Just imagine if the Bills ever went 3-0....but let's not get TOO greedy!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Sometimes, I just LOVE being wrong!!!
  12. GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. That means we get to the AFC Championship...Ill take that!
  14. You are a good man... Vote for Barr!!!!!!!!
  15. I just have this bad feeling this weekend...Chargers are coming off a huge win...momentum on their side...they are extremely talented...Bills defense will have a hard time this weekend I believe...and how healthy is Edwards REALLY gonna be this weekend? In no way shape or form am I saying the season is doomed, but I just do not see a W on Sunday...
  16. THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Isn't that how Red Sox fans label Yankees fans all these years?
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