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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. 2000. When the lib bitchfest had its finest hour.
  2. Because libs want Liberafornia and Liberal York to count more then the other 48 states.
  3. Edited for accuracy
  4. I predict we are one step closer to speaking another language here in this once great country
  5. 7-9 and more lies and deceptions come our way in the offseason
  6. So wait, McCain is Bush? Your logic if flawed, and makes no sense. But again, that is how libs are. Flawed, and make no sense.
  7. Good job NFL! Keep watering down your product!!
  8. Um, it is about the fact the team isn't that good. Get over it. The NFL is a muddle of crap teams, and a watered down, over hyped product.
  9. No, because there is no way a team with an overrated RB, soft defense, and an organization with a desire to JUST fill the seats and should be moved, will NOT win at NE. Why bother getting your hopes up? Football is a joke. Watered down, trash product.
  10. I want to Die Hard.
  11. But yet, you probably hang on every word an 'expert' says about our team on sports radio and get made when we are picked to lose.
  12. An ad catered to blind sheep. THAT is what wins elections.
  13. If you do not think Philly is a real sports town...I really do not know what to tell you. Get over your bitterness and realize Buffalo is so much like Philly when it comes to sports.
  14. Well I guess it is clear to say Mort reads twobills
  15. Another suffering Knicks fan here...cheers to 30 wins and the day Marbury is gone!!!
  16. Confirmed that S Eric Smith is out for Sunday
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Ok before we all jump off the ledge here...let's get a grip please!!! First off...are the Bills better then the Dolphins? Yes...but the turnovers killed us...end of story...it HAPPENS..division games on the road are TOUGH to win.... Maybe the Bills are not an elite team like some of us here were thinking we could have been...but that STILL does not mean this team has not made significant progress. And we all know what is gonna happen...Oh Costas does not like us, wah wah wah love MY team please! Get over it...the Bills have not made the playoffs sine 1999...respect will be EARNED at the end of the season....don't sit around and go nuts over what they guys say...they are like fans...one week oh you are so good...now we are overrated. Trent is still a up and coming QB, defense still need some work but is much better then last year.... Now, let's get the Jets next week and 6-2 at the halfway stretch is something I KNOW most of us would have signed for on the dotted line in August. GO BILLS
  19. And you libs do the same thing.... Get over yourself and make a real difference and leave both of these big $ parties out on the cold, but of course, too many blind sheep will vote for one of these two schmuks.
  20. Based on what the liberal media has been saying over 8 years, I FULLY expect Oprahbama to turn this economy around overnight! Not 100 days....not 2 years...ASAP....
  21. I really believe that 'most hated team' is truly an individual experience for the fan. For me, growing up my whole life in the NYC Metro area, there is no team I despise more consistently then the Jets. Why? Because their fan base talks so much crap for an organization that has pretty much done nothing since the rigged Super Bowl 3....and yet they act like fans that have 5 Super Bowls. For some Bills fan not living in the NYC Metro area, I am sure it is a different experience. I started watching the Bills in 1982...and oh believe you me, I despise all 3 of these teams in the division, but the hatred I had for New England in 1988 is nowhere near what it is today, because of their success. And I still get pumped for Miami games, but I admit if they are not good, it looses a little bit (again, just a little bit) of luster for me.
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