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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. But if F$U was playing tonight..well, it would be legit...
  2. Another example of why Mr Millbank is one of the finest posters on TBD! Hope you are feeling well!
  3. Poor ESPN. Another one of their poster boys is unemployed. Now how long before Pac Man shows up on NFL Countdown?
  4. http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/output/motivator5233246.jpg That is for you firstandgoal
  5. 2 of these, the Bills lost by 10+ points...so to me to say Edwards getting KOed cost us against Arizona...after the defense did a MIA performance that day?
  6. I used to remember what I felt like to have pure joy as a sports fan: The eternal optimism of looking forward to a game on Sunday and honestly even if the team did not win; sure you were upset, but right away, I would think to myself 'maybe next year if we get this guy, or sign this guy, we can get better!" and I used to wear Bills shirts and be happy about it, even in the lean years of the franchise (Mid 80's). But for whatever reason, over the past several years, I have become more and more angry as a Buffalo sports fan, and I say to myself 'why do I get myself so worked up over this, to the point where I get a headache and it annoys me so bad that I cannot even function the rest of the day" Especially when the team loses to a team I HATE (see the past few weeks) and the thoughts and things that come out of my mouth are so disgusting and embarrassing that I begin to question myself as a person and wonder why I think such hateful things (I do not even want to repeat a lot of the things I say, because they ARE that bad) And right now, I feel the same way. I told myself that I would not, but as of right now, I wish bad things on everything New England, and I KNOW that is NOT the person I was, or the person that I ever want to be. I've had it. I believe this site and other message boards have a good purpose, and I have met some people from this site that I am glad to have met, but to me, message boards just bring out more hate then anything else. From football to baseball to politics, hate rules the day and I want to rid myself of this feeling. Want proof? Go ahead and make a post about the Bills in a respectful manner and watch 2-3 replies come in. Create a thread how you hope the team moves to Toronto, or a Jets or Pats troll shows up talking like a complete idiot, and watch 200+ replies roll in. I for once have had enough of seeing negativity rewarded here on this message board and others. It is destructive. And it is effecting my moods, it is effecting my way of life on Sundays and even beyond, and life is MUCH more important then this. That is where I need to walk away from here and the Buffalo Bills forever. Plus I have really grown to dislike the NFL more and more every year. I feel the game is watered down, and WAY overexposed. Fantasy football has become WAY too big IMO. The cap will grow bigger and bigger and teams like Buffalo will become more and more of a distant memory to Roger Goddell and his cronies of rich owners like Jerry Jones, that POS. I firmly believe the days for the Buffalo Bills are numbered, and to me that makes me loate the NFL and everything that is associated with it. There are too many talk shows about the NFL anymore, too many 'experts' around to get you all worked up over. Wait, Colin Cownerd from E$PN hates the Bills? OH THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!! Validate my team dammit!! Ask yourself: What the f is the point? SERIOUSLY?? I want to say to SDS though (Ive been here longer then my name suggests, this is my 2nd name) thanks for everything and giving me this site, it was great while it lasted. I would greatly appreciate if my account can be removed, I do not want to sign on any longer. I wish you all nothing but the best and hope this makes you realize what is really important in life.
  7. First 'black president' and 1/2 white
  8. Way to give a racist remark. Give us your drivel again about your libs coming a long way again??
  9. Did Barry approve that message before you typed it?? :lol: :lol:
  10. I'm not amazed at all, just look at the elections over time.
  11. And the part that Obama never wants to talk about. To mention Obama and Dr King in the same sentence is an insult to Mr. King.
  12. And you liberals trust, what, Jon Strewart?
  13. Question: I understand that he has African blood and I am the FARTHEST thing from a racist...I have many friends from MANY different backgrounds...but he is 1/2 white too correct? Oh that's right, that is not important.
  14. :lol: :lol: Keep the good jokes coming!!!
  15. Yeah, and the bitches in the media who acted like babies for 8 years were great too...and people talking about moving to another country were awesome too. Stop the hypocrisy. You and other liberals to me are a complete joke.
  16. They are so excited for their commie...maybe a group sex op in the back of the newsroom?
  17. I am hoping for a repeat of 2000, where we are up all night and the libs panties are in a bunch!!!
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